
Why are some ghosts confused?

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Why don't they move toward the light like suggested in movies?




  1. No one wants to go to the 'dark', and the unknown light might be intimidating. Also, and this is speculation, the deceased may be  blocked from the light until loose ends are tied up. Forever is a long, long time...

  2. There are many reasons for a ghost to stay in our world

    If they die violently or suddenly they might not realize they are dead and continue to live their regular lives. If a ghost is talked to about this it will sometimes deny the fact that it is dead and from denial will stay on our world forever.

    Other ghosts are attached to things in our world and refuse to go to the light until they finish their business in our world

    And last some ghosts don't go to the light because a demon or evil spirit is blocking its way and forcing the ghost to stay grounded

    Those are the only reasons I can remember

    Hope I helped you


  3. It's interesting that some people speak authoritatively about how ghosts behave in the spirit world and so forth, as if they actually know, e.g., "there are many reasons why a ghost may be confused..."  It's cool to have opinions about what happens after death, but it's just funny to me when it's presented that way.

    Aside from personal anecdotal experience, there isn't any compelling evidence supporting the existence of spirits (ghosts) and "the light" is just a legend, popularized by current TV and movies. So, it's only conjecture upon conjecture upon conjecture which leads some to think that ghosts are "confused". Perhaps ghosts aren't confused at all, but simply like to watch TV which doesn't exist in their realm, so they stay here with the living?  No ghost has ever told us this isn't the case, so why not? Or perhaps ghosts don't exist at all and it's just that we are confused, not the ghosts.

  4. This is the type of misinformation that the movies and stupid tv shows like most haunted bring about.

    Ghosts and spirits are 2 different things.

    Spirit is that part of us that does not die when the physical body ceases to function.

    Ghosts however are nothing like spirits. A ghost is where there has been some kind of highly emotional event take place and the energy around that place gets charged a little bit like static electricity. What happens is someone comes along and causes the charged up energy to spark and almost like there is a glitch in the matrix or an imprint in time, the residual energy creates like a film that replays the same scene (the emotionally charged event that occured)

    A Ghost has no "mind" so therefore cannot communicate with anyone or harm anyone in anyway, it is just "residual energy"

    Spirit are everywhere all the time"omnipresent" and do not haunt houses or places. More correct would be to say that we haunt spirit.

    So your question was why do ghost get confused?

    Ghosts are not sentient beings, they are just an imprint of time which could not get confused as it doesnt have a "mind". Hope this helps.

  5. Because they don't want to and then there stuck until someone says the right words to release them .

  6. If death is sudden and without warning, The deceased may not accept or know that they are dead. Their attitudes and beliefs stay with them.


  7. because they now outsourced help in the afterlife as well. Since we are talking about movies as real, remember how confusing the book of the dead was in beetlejuice?

  8. There are many reasons why a ghost might not move on to the other world.  Confusion is one of the reasons.  When a soul leaves the body by traumatic event, like a car accident, or murder or accidential death, often it is just not aware that it is dead. No one has told them, or they don't know what to do.  Sometimes the light is something that they ignored, not because they didn't know but because  they chose not to go into it.

    A word about the light...hollywood and the movies make it look easy to open the light for one to pass over.  But it makes lots of patience, practice and work to be able to open the light and keep it open long enough for one to pass thru it.

  9. We can all guess, or we can read any one of the hundreds of books supposedly explain it, the truth is that no living person knows for sure.   I have my theories but that's all they are.   All I know is I have encountered many ghosts in my searches but never ever the ones I really want to hear from.   I have been waiting for years to hear from my Mom with no luck.   So why is it so easy to find others?   There has to be some reason that some choose to stay.

  10. Maybe *movies* are wrong, maybe there is no "toward the light," maybe they don't actually go anywhere.

  11. there are many reasons they stay on Earth. Like you metioned confusion. Some ghosts don't know their dead, they just don't realize it [ I got that from a T.v. show]

    Some just need help getting to the other side [ heaven or he'll I am not aloud to say the word] Like if a medium comes in I guess they help them cross over somehow.

    Some just know they're dead but they feel more comfortable staying here on Earth, This was their home and most spirits tend to stay home. If they lived in some old victorian mansion, most likely they will stay at that old victorian mansion forever.

    like answerer one said, I agree with her all the way.

  12. Ghost are basically spirits that some-yes, not know that they are dead. They come into manifestation in ectoplasmic form. They are trapped between dimensions- usually third and fourth dimension. Ghost have their own frequency signatures.

    I think it's people that seemingly appear to be confused because there is many mysteries about the spirit world, it take a lot of experiences to understand ghost and spirits, there's a lot to it, and it can become confusing. I consider that even ghost and spirits can become confused at times. Especially ghost since most consider that they are alive, but they know there is some difference between us and them, as if they are shy or scare of us- confused, perhaps they think we are the dead ones.

    Often ghost have unfinished business, such as inheritances finding items belonging to them, or something to do with a loved one.

    Some ghost choose to live close to family they were part of, they like to remain in the physical frequency of home in which they once lived. Some ghost are positive while some are negative as they have the same personality to whom they where before.

    Often ghost don't understand about the other realms. Angels and spirit guides can , and often assist them on their journey. So if your one to connect with your spirit guide, you may be able to have your guide direct  a ghost to the light, if it chooses to listen.

    Spirits from higher frequency realms- dimensions can go visit the lower dimensions, and manifest as a ghost, it usually is able to produces something that is physical. But ghost can only move up when ready or guided.

  13. Ghosts are not confused,living people are.

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