
Why are some girls dumb enough to fall for players games?

by  |  earlier

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Why are some girls dumb enough to fall for players games?




  1. You meant to put this in the GHETTO section!!!!

  2. its all about the free food and jock straps

  3. No idea? For the money perhaps?

  4. Who knows. Take your drama elsewhere.

  5. Because some girls fall for anything in pants (albeit hockey pants in this case) that give them the slightest bit of attention.

  6. Some girls have hearts as well as brains and any guy that pushes over a quality woman fort stupid reasons like distance or their past or timing or pretty much anything will be sorry,. I should know I was one of those idiots. Now I am lost. She was the best thing that happened to me and I blew it big time. I wish I could go back and make it right. My advice to all of you. Don't blow it for any reason. Quality people men or women are rare and don't let fear replace love.

  7. Because they seem to think that Sidney Crosby is "Soooo dreamy!!"

  8. they think with players they will have more actions

  9. low self esteem

  10. Or dumb enough to put this in the wrong section.

  11. I don't suppose you are referring to puck bunnies?

  12. the boys always bring the balls?

  13. This is the wrong section, but I will answer anyway. Maybe because there is some kind of hope that there is a real guy out there that will care and be true . Not be an *** and goof around and keep you waiting and mess with you. Somewhere there are good guys. The players are few but are there and making all women's lives miserable.

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