
Why are some girly-girls so mean to tomboys No.2?

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I'm a tomboy.




  1. people tend to be mean and judgmental of people who are different then them. not all people, but some behave that way. just ignore them!  

  2. Simply put they are jealous. You get to hang out with the guys that they like. They think you're trying to get in between them and their 'love'.

    I've been there, done that.

    I've even asked my guys what is wrong with me hanging out with them that makes all the girls so mad. They even said that the girls are jealous.  =P

  3. their jealous that tomboys can have fun and not feel stupid,they dont pretend to be someone to please others.tomboys dont have to dress and talk silly to get attention of lads.the girly girls hate it when the tomboys stood laughin with the lad they all prance about.

  4. Because many times they happen to be g*y, not saying that you're g*y, but that's just the popular perception

  5. because sometimes the tomboy is friends with the guy/s that they might like or their simply jealous that they dont have a certain way with guys like a tomboy does. i have a lot of guy friends. and i get that a lot.  dont worry about it. it just means u have something that they don't

  6. Because they think that they're the "superior" female race, and they are how all females are "supposed" to be.

    Anyone different is just scum (well, in their eyes at least).

    Their just very shallow, rude, and narrow-minded.

  7. Because you aren't up to their standards and you might make them look bad.

  8. I believe that a lot of girly girls is mean to tomboys because they think that girls should dress like girls not boys and that its not exceptable for a girl to dress as if shes a boy.

  9. some think tom boys are g*y

  10. because they think that they are all not a tomboy or a girly-girl but i know how they are towards other people that are not like them...just ignore them and try not to let them bother you=]

  11. They is jealous. But no, seriously, I think it's because they can't understand them.

  12. here's a guess, 'cause I grew up as a tomboy...

    girls are terribly catty creatures. they like to pick fights with other girls and make them feel really badly about themselves so that they (the ones who are mean) can feel better about themselves. The problem with being a girly girl is that your entire self image is concerned with your physical appearance, and you're not allowed to have any real fun. They spend way too much time in front of a mirror looking at their "imperfections":

    oh, I'm so fat

    oh, I'm not blond enough

    oh, I have a tan line

    oh, my hair is so straight/too curly/too wavy/not thick enough/too thick

    oh, I chipped my nail

    oh, my lips are chapped

    And then they see someone actually ENJOYING themselves, like you playing softball with friends or building forts outside or whatever, and they just can't STAND it. How dare you not be picking yourself apart in front of a mirror like they are?

    Just remember that these are the girls who are going to start taking speed in high school in order to try to starve themselves into a size 0 pair of jeans, and these are the girls who are going to tan themselves into leathery skin by the age of 25. These are the girls who are going to end up in abusive relationships with husbands who beat them and keep them at home making a million babies, draining away their youth.

    My suggestion? When they're being mean, laugh at them. like, laugh and point as if they were the most hilarious thing you'd ever seen in your life. I learned this when I was in 9th grade and it helped me through the rest of my school career.

  13. probably becuz they think they are prettier then tomboys and they think tomboys are immature.

    i dont know, becuz im not a tomboy and im not a really girly girl like some girls, im just a girl lol

  14. I used to be a major tom boy in school ( I guess I still am haha ) and I remember thinking the same thing. One of the most poplar girls in my school who was very girly-girl and prissy came up to me one day and totally chewed me out saying that the boy I liked would never like me because I acted too much like a boy. Anyway, I had a lot of run ins with the girl girls and came to find out many years later that they were jealous because I hung out with all the boys they liked even if the boys only saw me as one of the guys. Another thing I found out is because tom boys are completely different than girly girls they don't know any other way to react to them besides being mean. When people don't understand things they either fear them or act out against them.  

  15. girly girls think theyre better than us. im a tomboy too.

  16. because they are jealous that you can be yourself and they have to act like the stereotypes that they are!

  17. because they just think they are better then everyone.

    they always think they are prettier then everyone, but the think is they just want to put others down.

    they want you to fear them and do whatever they want, becuase they are "better then you".

    dont let them bother you!

    be a tomboy! :D

  18. They are insecure about themselves or don't understand the differences in people. Either that or they just don't know how to relate to you because you don't' seem to be in to the same things as they are.

  19. because they think they are superior, even though they're not. What goes around comes back around and they'll get theirs one day .

  20. Because they are usually S****y whores who think that they are better then everyone.

    When really they arent.  

  21. Girly-Girls are sometimes mean to tomboys because they might think they are l***o or something!!! I was a tomboy myself when I was in the 2nd grade!!! Now I'm a girly girl!!! I think girly girls think that all girls should be girly girls!!!

  22. because tomboys are from h3ll


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