
Why are some humans being born with an appendix ...?

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Is it a sign of humans evolving through not needing them anymore?

If it were possible could we make the human race evolve without say an arm if everyone in the world tied their right arms behind their backs from birth and never used them for their whole life and this happened for hundreds of years would humans start being born without a right arm?




  1. yes, the appendix is a vestigial structure that is no longer needed.

    as for your second proposal, it's a classic example of lamarckism - but no, people would still be born with arms. you would need a serious change in gene frequencies to get arm-less people.

  2. Actually, friend, all humans are born with an appendix. But, out of all the parts of the human body, it's the most useless one. It does nothing for us. All it ever does it to remind us to take care of ourselves because we are at risk of getting appendicitis... but we gain nothing from it... it just exists...

  3. It has been theorized that it used to be used as a part of the cecum that held bacteria for use in fermentation.  Our diet has changed and doesn't include much roughage so fermenting cellulose is not used.

  4. we are all born with appendix.

    babies have been born without some limbs, was caused by the mother taking the drug frouliaminide  back in the 60s  god bless those who were affected by that

    i probably spelled the drug wrong  it was to prevent pain in pregnancy

  5. All humans are born with an appendix.

    The appendix is *NOT* a vestigial organ.

    It is part of our immune system.

    Those who claim that it is 'vestigial' are ignorant or deceitful.

    The standard definition of ‘vestigial’ is an organ that once was useful in an animal’s evolutionary past, but that now is useless or very close to useless. The list of vestigial organs in humans has shrunk from 180 in 1890 to 0 in 1999. Evidently to salvage this once-critical support for evolution, a new revisionistic definition of a vestigial structure is now sometimes used. This definition involves the idea that a vestigial organ is any part of an organism that has diminished in size during its evolution because the function it served decreased in importance or became totally unnecessary. This definition is problematic because it is vague and would allow almost every structure in humans to be labelled as vestigial.

  6. Blame it on evolution.

    I don't know why it takes evolution soooooo long to get rid of a vestigial organ that our ancestors used to digest grass.

    Jaysus, light travels faster than that!

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