
Why are some humans hairier than others?

by Guest62514  |  earlier

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I am 25 and as furry as a bear on the front and lower back end.




  1. DNA-heredity

  2. Genetics may play a significant part.

  3. Less hair are more evolved humans ? What about ballness ? It's all genetics !

  4. becaause opposites attract so the genetic mix remains  balanced. if ever women everywhere decded to mate only hairless guys then  hursuit males would start  to  dwindle gradually over a few hundreds  or  thousands of years

    humans love the exotic  so many women growing up in hairy  families will seek smoother mates.

  5. bad that mexican family from the Guiness World Records...thats entirely hairy like gorillas

  6. Both answers are right. Think evolution when you consider how hairy and bearded northfolk are and compare to equatorial natives (africa, central america, south asia). Mind you, innuit are still quite close to (in an evolutionary time-lapse sense) to american indians.

  7. Why are some taller than others? Think allele frequency.

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