
Why are some humans loathe to admit they're primates?

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Or even animals at all? Is it shame, is it a superiority complex? I have had arguments with people who will argue point blank that we're not animals, despite the following class:

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Primates

Family: Hominidae

Genus: Homo

I mean, we have hair, we have mammary glands, we have movement, and everything else of an animals. The only difference is that we have a more intelligent race, though I don't believe that if all our brains had the same side we'd be the most intelligent. Look at ants. They're not destroying their environment. Even locusts use their resources, move on and return when the resources have replenished.

Are we what's destroying this planet?




  1. I am not one of those people, but my boyfriend is a paleontologist and he comes up against this a lot (and it drives him nuts!). I think the main reason that people dont "believe" in human evolution is because in the judeo-christian faith animals don't have souls, but humans do. Therefore, we can't be animals because we have the one thing that separates us from animals - a mortal soul. To accept that we are animals and are related to other animals would be to accept a fundamental paradox in their faith - so they choose ignorance over having to question their faith. Perhaps they are concerned that if they look too hard they will see more than just this problem...

  2. People like to think they're not animals because it shatters their illusion of superiority and ownership over the whole of the world.

    I think it's partly to do with us being "God's creations" that he made in "His Image". If God made us in his image and we're animals, by extension God is an animal.

    Personally, classifying myself as an animal makes me feel closer to nature and brings to mind exactly how much of a world there is.

    Personally I think our reckless and unchecked expansion has put a massive bootprint across the entire of the earth, one that will not heal.

  3. Because its widely acknowledged that the human to chimp difference is smaller than the chimp to say horse difference. Based on behavior, anatomy, intelligence, and society it is obvious that we are much closer to primates than primates are to non-primates.

  4. Do you think religion might play a role here? The bible says, God gave man dominion over the animals. That right there might just give man the impression that he was more than an ant or sheep or locust.

    Are we what's destroying this planet? My vote is no. Why do many people have the mistaken notion that if man becomes extinct the planet will be destroyed? Man is using the planet's resources. If man overuses them and perishes, the earth will still exist. Perhaps then a more "intelligent" (your analogy) species such as the ant will become dominant.

    By the way. Have you ever watched films of army ants destroying everything in their path as they march across the land? They eat and kill every living thing, plants, animals, other insects. Nothing escapes. Unchecked, and in sufficient numbers, they could destroy every living thing on earth. That is real destruction!

  5. Yes man kind is destroying the planet. But what are you going to do about it? Yes we are animals and to intelligent for our own good. But again what can we do about it. You and I can make changes but that going to get the other 6.1 billion other to do a thing. Just do what you can and hope for the best.

  6. Maybe a question of mental developement of the human species? So called primitive people often calls themselves by a word that means "humans" or "the people", as opposed to other groups who are not regarded as equaly human. Less than a 100 years ago it was widely accepted (among white scientists) that the white race was superior. As we evolve, hopefully, we will not consider other species  inferior.

  7. I don't get it either.  All of my best friends are primates and animals.  (-:

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