
Why are some jewish people black?

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Why are some jewish people black?




  1. Uh, What? What the heck do you mean?

  2. Some of them like Judaism. . nothing wrong with that. Just because you have a different skin colour doesn't mean you can't practice whatever religion you like.

  3. if you tell me why you are interested then I might give you an answer.

  4. It is a religion not a race. The Ethiopian Jews, for example, are supposed to be descendants of the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon and other Jews who returned there with her. They are Jews and have almost all emigrated to Israel. Jews worldwide took up a collection to ransom them from the Ethiopian government (I think it was $10,000 a person-they were being persecuted) and then the state of Israel flew them to Israel. There are black Jews in the US who are descended from intermarriage and from conversion. I have met a number of them in NYC and NJ.

  5. Judaism is a religion.  Anyone can convert to that religion.

  6. for the same reason african american people are christian or any other religion. its not like all jewish people are purple and christians are green... you can practice any religion you like no matter what race.

  7. Judaism is a religion, not a race.  Jews come from all races and ethnicity's.

  8. some converted and other claim they are jewish from a thousand years ago but most of them converted anyhow like the ethiopians, and then there are those black jews who just do many of the customs but are not jewish they are more christian in their practices.

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