
Why are some losers still claiming we are losing in Iraq?

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Good news out of Iraq is becoming almost a daily event: In just the past week, we learned that U.S. combat fatalities (five) dropped in July to a low for the war, that key leaders of al Qaeda in Iraq have fled to the Pakistani hinterland, that troop deployments will soon be cut to 12 months from 15, and that Washington and Baghdad are close to concluding a status-of-forces agreement.

Now this: Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr plans to announce Friday that he will disarm his Mahdi Army, which was raining mortars on Baghdad's Green Zone as recently as April. Coupled with the near-total defeat of al Qaeda in Iraq, this means the U.S. no longer faces any significant organized military foe in the country. It also marks a major setback for Iran, which had used the Mahdi Army as one of its primary vehicles for extending its influence in Iraq.




  1. They're anxious for our troops to return home.  They haven't had anyone to spit on since the mid 70's

  2. I do not feel that our soldiers were just sent in to "Win" something that was set up in the first place to control the country in which  they started  the fighting towards a certain Agenda.

    I ask you to view interviews with John Perkins a man that was part of

    the Agenda that led many GOOD people to do things that they thought they were helping a country to find out now they were part of the Agenda and did it not knowing the sadness and the TRUTH.

    If you go to You tube and view John Perkins Interviews on his book,

    "The Confessions of an Economic HItman" you will see all of the pieces of the puzzel coming together. I pray that those that see

    this and have the power to do something about it do so.

    The Media is set up by the "FEW" that are in control of

    our Gov. leaders. Certain Media  are ask to join these Secret Societies and

    therefore BELONG TO "THE FEW" or else???


    Where is my Avitar YaHoo?????

  3. The terrorists have shifted their focus to Afghanistan. I still don't understand why we were in Iraq to begin with.  Neglecting the situation in Afghanistan has made it much worse and the terrorists have now gotten on-the-job training in Iraq. They are using the techniques that they developed in Iraq in Afghanistan.  It is appalling that we have wasted so many lives and hundreds of billions of dollars in Iraq, and for what.

  4. MEDIA

  5. Who cares about combat losses.  They're inevitable when you have an occupation in a country where everyone hates you.  Do you like that 15 dollars for every 100 from your tax money goes to this pointless war, or are you so shallow minded that you will listen to everything the government tells you.  Even if we do ultimately leave Iraq with a "democratic" government, its up to the Iraqis to decide Iraq's fate.  Iran in 1979 ring a bell?  Whatever the US government is doing, it can't exert its will on other people, so this war was pointless.  Oh yeah, news flash from 2003; Al-Qaeda didn't come to Iraq until AFTER we invaded.

  6. Because those losers dont know exactly what is going on in Iraq. The majority of Americans dont but they still stick their two cents in.

    Unless you have family in Iraq, or have been there yourself .. you really dont know, because the media sugar coats everything or makes it look worse that what it really is.

    They dont tell the American ppl all the good and the progress that is happening in Iraq.

    Did you know that we have built Malls over there, Schools, cleaned up their drinking water.

    And you know what, for the girl commenting below me,

    Shut up. You knwo nothing, even if we should be focusing on Afghanistan, Do you know that we have helped to turn a communist country into a democracy. What better good could we have done to help those people, and FYI we are focusing on Afghanistan, that would be why 20,000 Marines were sent there over the past year.

    Even if this war is a pointless one, we have done sooooo much good for those people, and they appreciate it, more that you could ever imagine.

  7.   Some democrats still think this is a major political issue, and it's only a good issue for democrats if the US is losing. Of course, we have basically won this part of the War on Terrorism. Yes, the Iraq conflict is a part of the War on Terrorism not a separate war as the democrats and their "news media" would have us believe. (The major issue in this election is OIL! McCain has this one right too.)

  8. We weren't defeated, of course. But the whole war and occupation was a loss for the United States, nonetheless. We've spent more money than we have recovered, for example. Obviously, that's a net loss of some kind. We've lost the lives of thousands of US soldiers, but no land has been gained by the United States for the use of the American people, which is the traditional reason for waging war and risking lives.

    Also, the war and occupation have been losses because they have been extenuated, in time as well as in cost, far, far, far beyond the estimates that were originally presented to us. The war in Iraq, which began in 1991 and was renewed in March 2003, was supposed to be over and done with in only a few months. The Iraqis were supposed to have welcomed us, applaud their liberation from Saddam Hussein, and cheer the "democracy" we were bringing them. None of those things happened.

    The war became the occupation, which has involved almost constant skirmishing and popular resistance. George W. Bush said "Mission Accomplished" in 2003. Five years and thousands of dead American soldiers later, WE ARE STILL THERE. We obviously either didn't achieve our goals and the President was lying to us, or else the President didn't know what our goals were himself (which is certainly possible with Bush), or our goals have been changing, expanding, growing, mutating from what the were into Something Else. But whichever of those might be true, what is also true is that the American people have paid more for the war/occupation of Iraq than they have recovered in benefits. Therefore, we are losers too.

  9. Because some "losers" spent 2 of the past 4 years there and saw that we're still getting killed over there. Why don't you strap on some boots and go see for yourself?

    Come back and tell us if we're winning or losing, kay?

    Assuming of course that you make it home. My neighbor didn't. Neither did my husband's soldier. Or my college friend, or 4,000+ other soldiers.

    But good luck anyways!

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