
Why are some male golfers such jerks to female golfers even when the women are very good?

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So far these responses are wonderful!! I really appreciate it. I have golfed nearly exclusively with men and most are wonderful and great friends of mine (I do know ettiquite and can play pretty well - nobody likes golfers who can't keep up and then talk in our backswings which is a HUGE pet peeve of mine whether male or female).

I have just found that if my husband and I are paired up the guys seem happy to be playing with him assuming that he can play well and seem to automatically assume that I stink when sadly I am actually a better golfer from the same tees even. Later I get the "respect" so to speak but it kind of bothers me that when the two of us step up he is assumed to be good and I'm assumed to be the tag along wife when I am the one who actually adores the sport and he could take or leave it - ha ha. :-(




  1. Because some males are jerks regardless.  Female golfers are great im my books, as long as they understand the fundamental aspects of golf etiquette, which most do not.  Even if they have never swung a golf club before in their life, as long as they know not to step in my line, not to talk in my backswing, and to let me play through if there is an open hole ahead of them, they are cool with me.   My dream foursome would be Me, Natalie Gulbis, Paula Creamer, and Morgan Pressel.  Wouldnt that be fun guys?

  2. cause guys are jerks in most aspects of life, not just golf. next time "accidentally" hit them in the balls when your swinging your club ha ha

    good luckk

  3. I'd guess that they're Jerks to lots of people, not just females, and not just golfers.


    However, they're probably 'braver' about berating females on the golf course.  They think they're on their turf and that all other male golfers will support them.


    I'm male and don't support them, on course or off.

  4. i actually like playing with good golfers, either male or female, because i can learn something from them.  I never act like a jerk on the golf course because I don't want the person I'm playing to think I'm a jerk and not have fun.  i love the lpga, especially lorena ochoa (not sure of spelling) and recently heard comments that she was a L*****n.  i don't think she is one but what does it matter? they are probably jealous that she is the worlds number one female golfer and hit that amazing second shot into the last hole to win that tournament last year (she hit it from the thick rought very far away to about 2 feet)

  5. Its probably because, the guys don't think the women should play in the same tournments as the guys. I remember when Anna Sorema (spelled wong) got to play with the guys one year in the one tournment and Fuzzy Zeilers made is opion well known. It was all over ESPN.

  6. This is where the first tee shot is so important. If you can put the first one in, down the middle and long, you will gain instant respect. I must say as a man, speaking for the men, we have a lower expectation of women in sports due to the years of mediocrity displayed by the female race. I must say though it is great that you are as enthusiastic as you are. I stand with the men that are jerks and have low expectations of women because this is what we are used  to seeing.  Be on of the few that swing the tide.

    Do remember though while at the beginning of the round you get nothing, imagine how hard these men laugh when they leave and say "Did you see that guys wife just show him up."

    Try not to take too much clout in what amatuers say. Especially golfers.

  7. Probably because they are insecure.

  8. Golf magnifies personalities, both good and bad!

  9. Leave out golfer.

    Some men are just jerks.

    I think it has to do with the fact some men don't want a women beating them at a sport.

    It is their ego.

  10. If ur good then I have no problem. If you suck and can't hit the ball past 50 yards and go onto a 6000 yard course. That is where I have a problem. Its not just the women who do that though, its the men too. But honestly, and I don't mean to be sexist, but I have seen maybe 20 good women golfers in my life that can keep up with the pace of play (and I have been playing for 12 years).  The rest slow the game down so much that it makes it no fun anymore. As long as you play fast no man would ever get mad. It's just taht we see so many bad women golfers play courses they shouldnt be on, it gets frustrating.

  11. It's because most men inherantly believe that they know the etiquette book by heart and have never read the page about "sharing". Likewise, most men feel better playing with other men...guess that makes them a little.....well let's just say, I would much rather play with

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