
Why are some medications by prescription only?

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I can understand why, say, opiate painkillers or anxiety medications you can only get with a prescription- but why are medications with no potential for abuse (like antibiotics) by prescription only?




  1. Because some people may be allergic to antibiotics like Penicillin.

    The doctor also has to be the one that tells you how much to use for your age/weight.

    antibiotics can cause a bad reaction if not taken right.

  2. You don't want to randomly take antibiotics either!  That would be very bad.  Ever heard of the Super Germ?

    They are mainly put on medicines that doctors don't want the general public to take themselves.

  3. the phams  and the docs  and the fda and

    oh heck really and truely it's about the research and development.    

  4. no potential for abuse (like antibiotics)

    Ha Ha Ha

    antibiotics can kill you

    improper use promotes antibiotic Resistance

    Useless for vial infections

    Shall i go on.

    This is a complex question, some reasons

    1. Social control

    2. Economic Subsidy (PBS in Australia)

    3. Minimize harm

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