
Why are some memories so hard to erase?

by Guest63328  |  earlier

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Memory Snippets

A memory, fresh, appeared today

snippet of that portentous day

unusual though, since so many.

Each with a twist… on display

And what am I to make of that…

that ‘innocent’ little chat

now just endless slices.

Tell me… how am I to act?

Promises given, now so useless

just sweet melodies to impress.

And of the rest, my dear…

now memories to suppress!




  1. So sad a poem, and suppression of memories is so hard.

    A very beautifully written poem.

  2. Rather like those "faded photographs".  Nicely written.  We do gather them, don't we! Do believe as we age, they tend to pop up more and more.

  3. Bittersweet,I like this one.

  4. I say, get rid of excess baggage!

  5. Another fine piece of poetry. I have some work to do this morning. I will come back at lunch and see what else has brewed...

  6. That's beautiful. A lovely poem that makes me think of my memories. Both sad and happy; it shows that when we do look back at life we always think differently of the memory. Keep writing!  

  7. "Hi!",

    Oh, you captured my heart.

    beautiful but sad.

    Lovely poem, I quite enjoyed.


    Cheers : )

  8. wat the ****

    i mean nice poem =]

  9. An excellent poem, sad and poignant.

  10. nice...

  11. Bittersweet, nicely writ.

    The memories with the deepest emotion tend to remain the most vivid, good or bad...

  12. Excellent piece of work.  That last stanza takes your breath away.

  13. This poem is soo depressing. I hate sad ending that's definite, no sense of hope, no silver lining. Nothing. =(

  14. My elderly mother once said to me, more and more I remember my youth more then what happened yesterday. I know really now what she meant, One reason I believe is that life as we knew it slows us

    down, and some of us have too many hours to ponder alone.the mind

    swings to many places of a long journey, thoughts flow in and on, nice to get rid of them on paper! until the next thought floods the brain.

    As always Neonman, your heart writes of moments, in between. Kudos, Kudos!  

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