
Why are some men infertile?

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what factors determine this




  1. The factors that normally determine whether a man is fertile or not is his sperm count and that can be affected by several things, one of the common is is the temperature of the testicles is too high through wearing tight fitting underpants, shorts or trousers.

    Another reason is if a boy or a youth gets mumps that can leave him infertile and unable to be likely to father children,

    That is purely being infertile where a sometimes a couple fore what ever reason cannot have children and this may not have anything to do with infertility, it may be for other reasons such as they are just not relaxed enough and are simply trying to hard to get the woman pregnant.  Leaving aside things such as erectile dysfunction or woman whose tubes are for some reason preventing pregnancy, I knew of two couples who desperate to have children and for some reason it did not happen, sadly ten years after being married  both couples separated and then divorced.  Some two or the years later the ex wife from one couple stareted going out with the ex husband of the other couple, they ended up getting married and within eighteen months the wife was pregnant.  some two years after that the other ex wife an ex husband started going out fell in love and got married, within nine month s that wife was pregnant as well.  So it was proof that though both original couples could not have children by having different partners they did, whether the second time around they were more relaxed who knows but they ended up having two children each.  

  2. It's usually genetic.  For some reason, their genes have either from birth have made it so they cannot produce healthy sperm, or the coding is misinterpreted when they grow up.

    Also, there are certain medications or drugs or ways of living that could damage the testicles so they can't produce sperm.

    Why do you ask?

  3. diet, exercise, genes, health, medications, illegal drugs, too much alcohol, neutering, vasectomy, stress


  4. genetics

    traumic medical condition


  5. why do some people go bald or wear glasses ther's no all covering answer for this

  6. If he has had a vasectomy where his sperm tubes are cut to stop the sperm travelling out.


    If he has a low sperm count, so not many reach the egg and fertilize it


    if his sperm are weak swimmers (lol yes this does happen)


  7. because they've had their balls chopped off.

  8. One common reason is wearing tight clothes and/or underwear.

  9. Infertility in males have varied causes. But all boils down to not producing enough sperms that can fertilize the female egg. Low sperm count (oligospermia) can be caused by exposure to certain chemicals, radiation, previous trauma to the testis, previous infection to the testis (orchitis), previous viral infection ( like mumps), previous std, varicocele (engorged veins near the testis), etc. If sperm count is zero (azoospermia), it is often due to either complete blockade to the vas deferens (tube where sperms flow) which can be corrected surgically, or total inability of the testis to produce sperms which is not treatable at all. Hormonal imbalance, like low testosterone levels can also be a correctable cause.

    How can you tell if you are infertile or not? By a simple s***n analysis which can be done quickly in a lab. Have you palpated your testis lately? Check if you have 2 testis and feel if they are firm or not. Normal testis should feel firm and measures at least 3 x 2 x 2 cm. :)

  10. too much masturbation can lower the sperm count

  11. Some are innate medical conditions such as the lack of male hormones or blockage in the mechanisms that prevent blood from flowing to the p***s. Stress and drugs are external conditions that can play a part too..

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