
Why are some men modest about other women's appearances (non-family)?

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I have seen posts on here from men shaming women about how they dress. Granted, if this woman is a member of your immediate family that is understandable, but why would a man care about another woman dressing in what might be seen by some as a s**y manner. It seems like most men would be glad to see a s**y woman?

Why are so many men interested in dictating fashion for women? Especially the young man who thinks women should wear clothes from 100 years ago?

Do you think that kind of interest is strange or normal?




  1. What I don't like is women who dress in a seductive manner and then complain about all of the 'so-called' unwanted attention they receive from men. You all know that if you dress a certain way, men are going to respond to you in a particular way.

  2. From what I see, I think it's normal in today's society.

  3. i know as far as my man goes, when he became a father of a baby girl his thought process totally changed. now he sees every girl or women as some ones daughter. what use to be s**y dressing is now a fear that his daughter will some day wear. we have 6 daughters that really have made him into a different man.

  4. "It seems like most men would be glad to see a s**y woman?"

    Jesus Christ. And then you complain about how all men do is stare at b***s. Does nothing satisfy women like you? FYI, not all men are "glad" to see a "s**y woman". Yes, my little head down there is glad, but like most men, my big head is in control, and my big head screams to me that such a woman is a sl*t. And I have no respect for sl*ts. We men are attempting to show you how to maintain people's respect, not just from men but from women too. Thank us.

  5. Why should their opinion differ from women in their own family to women who are not? That makes no sense. Some people, both men and women don't appreciate things popping out all over and things barely covered, it's a completely understandable point of view.

    *edit* a woman showing off things she shouldnt be in public is everyones concern whether she be related to you or not. Its not like men own women either way, just because they're related to them. Not to mention what others have already, women dress provocatively then get all pissy when men pay attention to it. There is appropriate attire for different occassions, and nobody likes it when others overstep the boundaries.

  6. They are control freaks and think that their opinion is everyone's opinion.  The want to control every woman in the world.

  7. In all honesty, we women would  generally be appalled if a man showed up to work sporting a speedo .  Its not that a mans body is unattractive, its just not appropriate. It's called decorum, and we should all exhibit it. There is nothing wrong with s**y but I think it is the trashy part that the gentleman in question has a problem with. Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps he feels this way out of respect for women?  Maybe he places more value in women than most ladies do.

  8. The men who want women to dress the way we did 100 years ago are just wack, but the ones who want us to be a bit more modest are more understandable. Many of my male friends want to stay 'pure' I guess you could say, and it's hard enough for them without women dressing in a 's**y' manner. The ones who want us to dress more modestly are the ones who care about our personalities and not our bodies. It's something I can respect.

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