
Why are some mothers so SELFISH & don't put their child 1st? Blocking them from Dad for their own pyschotic...

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issues. I get that you have a child together, I get that there are emotions and feelings from the gut involved that aren't there with anyone else because regardless of whether it was intended or not, you both created a human being together.

I am sure there are Dads out there like this--- but right now my question is specific for my own personal reasonings...

"Why are some mothers so SELFISH & don't put their child 1st?" Why do some women use their own personal hatred against men in general or being 'done wrong' to hurt their child from getting to spend time with their father?

There are some selfish, stalker, "My-Name-Is-Earl" trashy b**ches out there that use their kids like pawns. I am APPALLED by this. Not only does it break the father's heart but it will damage the child and hurt the child's life inevitably. I guess really my question should be 'why do some people use kids as pawns in a chess game' but really w/ my personal experience it only seemed fitting to post as is...


I know I won't get any real answers fromthe kind of trash I am addressing only because they are either glued to a stipper pole right now in the middle of bumf--k, arkansas or in a deep back woods trashy trailer park with no access or intelligence to use the internet to see this question.

But, what do you think? Why why WHY do some trashy women ruin their kids lives by using them as a pawn to get their revenge/hurt/way? Because it didn't work out? (that's not a good enough reason to hurt the child...)




  1. They are bitter and angry inside and can't see anyone else happy. They want to execute their revenge against the father somehow and use their children for the task, since young children don't know any better.  

  2. they are evil and know what hurts dad the most.

  3. I feel your frustration!

    I think its a combination of things.

    1. Poor role modeling from their caregivers. If they grew up in bad situations and were the pawns at one point, they're either going to do the 180 and be the opposite or (more likely) continue down the only road they know.

    2. Mental issues such as some personality disorders have a tendency to make people have very unstable, co-dependent, intense relationships. A lot of these mental disorder arise after traumatic childhoods (which would add to answer #1). This is not sticking up for their behavior, but understanding that they might not be able to empathize with their kids, or see beyond the trials of their screwed up relationships might help. (and it's a good reason to support mental illness awareness causes to get these chicks, and their poor kids, some help!)

    Being a mother myself, and having seen this sort of stuff before, I think it's probably a combination of both of those things. It's not human nature to be cruel to your children, so if it's happening, there's obviously something wrong.  

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