
Why are some of the poorest kids the happiest?

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OK, I know you need food and shelter, so excluding those children that DONT have that... It seems that children who only have the basics are happier than our rich "have it all" kids. I have spent a lot of time in Brazil, and those kids have nothing but a soccer ball, but they are so happy.




  1. thay appreciate what they have and they have people that love them

  2. because they don't take life for granted and they understand the meaning of life and what life is all about. By having nothing they find ways to have fun and they have the characteristics you need to have a good life.

  3. Because those kids appreciate the little things. They are satisfied with what they have and have learned that happiness does not come from what they have.

  4. because they can appreciate everything since they arent focused in our materialism, and the absurd "wants" that rich societies have, they look at the sunset rather than at their DS nintendo, they can appreciate more the "mundane" things

  5. they know that what they have is what they have, and they dont exactly have the chance to get something new everyday. they have the clothes on their back and thats all they need to know that life is okay. They have a house and food and they're going to be alright . . . maybe . . .

    if all you had was a soccer ball would you be happy with what you've got, knowing that everything is out there but you cant have it...?

  6. Same, i volunteer in Costa Rica and I have seen how happy those underprivileged children are. I think it's because they aren't really influenced by "rich" children. They have what they have and they are happy-which is totally great because kids here in America, they tend to be spoiled and unappreciative to their parents even though they have things that aren't needed. A good example of this outrageousness is the show "My Super Sweet Sixteen." The kids on that show are so spoiled, and unfortunately, that is how a great percentage of kids in the US are.

  7. because they appreciate what they have and soccer ball can bring joy as you play with friends and enjoy playing soccer. the poorest kids are sometimes often rich compared to rich kids as they have something rich kids don't which is the manner of appreciating what they have.

    have a look at a book- the overcoat by gogel

    guy has his overcoat and nothing much but still happy.

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