
Why are some on NZ public angry with police officers here?

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I don't understand this for a few reasons.

Our police officers and employed by our Government to abide by the law and to enforce it. Some police officers have trouble with this but they are the minority. Look at the unruly general public. I know people who go into town and get arrested almost every weekend.

Also, if we didn't have police officers how corrupt would our country be? Just like America, we'd have to carry guns around to protect ourselves.

A lot of people are complaining about these recent police raids, but what if the police hadn't done anything and hadn't intervened and there had be terrorist attacks? The police would have been to blame.

Clint Rickards should be sacked right away and be made to pay back all the money he's received while on paid leave and his car.

No wonder NZ is struggling to find new police officers. I think people need to give them a break! They're not bad people and people should just own up to their mistakes.




  1. I completely agree Wabby!

    I have always said that there is no way in the world I would want to be a police officer and have to deal with what they deal with. I really think that the vast majority of police officers go into the force because they really do beleive the can contribute to maintaining a safe environment in NZ.

  2. I agree with you Wabby and admire your faith in the police, but lack of faith in the judicial process.

    A man is innocent until proven guilty, and as the Clint Rikards thing is not over he is entitled to the benefit of the doubt.


  3. Hi Wabby??

    At about the time you were born, John Dewar was promoted sideways out of Rotorua into a position in Auckland. I was one of many who protested at this move as I saw that Mr Dewar was doing a fine job in Rotorua. What we didn't know at the time was that he and his mates (including Rickard) were also up to no good with the girls of the town. This has only just come to light.

    Until information like this is made public, we have no idea about the individual.

    Clint Rickards (along with Dewar et al) has brought the Police service in this country into disrepute; if he held any other job, he would be sacked immediately. However, he has risen (almost) to the top, and is therefore able to write his own job contract. He should be stood down, but stood down on no pay. After the Court case, if he's reinstated (which he shouldn't be imho) he can then apply to claim back what he thinks is owed to him.

    This gang is hardly a good example of policing in NZ, and to the young cops joining up today.

  4. I agree Wabby! It's stupid. Every one bags police but all they are trying to do is protect the community.

    Sure they make mistakes sometimes, but they are only human just like you and me (actually i'm part alien, lol)

  5. your right i have been living in the states for the last 3years and have been hearing all about the police raids and issues happening at home. its sad i remeber when nz was such a carefree and peaceful nation. come on nz keep it real and support your police no offense to american society but nz does not want to go that way. every one is so affraid of terriost everyone has guns no one trust anyone its not nice.

  6. Yes I agree. Police officers are often called bad names here only because they do what is right. It's so sad. I don't think the police has made so many mistakes, but if we have to believe the media they are as bad as the gangs out there. I don't get it either. Good question!!

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