
Why are some parents ashamed of their kids?

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For instance, I like Dereon (well some of their clothes) yet I can't wear it. They insist that I wear clothes that I don't like. I don't like babydoll tops, skirts, or dresses yet they want me to wear it.

They want me to act different when I'm around people. They don't want me to interact, instead they want me to be "quiet-like", be mindful of what I say

Why? Was or are your parents like that? Would you do that to your children?

Why can't I express myself the way I want to? It's my life and my body!




  1. maybe they don't want you to dress and looking like a w***e. ever thought of that.

  2. no, my mother isnt like that. i guess your parents want people to think they have the perfect child

  3. I think your parents are trying to live your life, and make you do what they think you should do, because they might of did so well on their lives when they were growing up,understand? They may be trying to change things about you, that they didn't change in themselves when they were younger, just be honest with them , tell them how you feel, eventually you'll want to wear dresses,skirts and such, when that time comes you'll know they won't have to tell you you will know, explain to them honestly your true feelings about being able to speak out on what you believe is true, good ,bad, or indifferent, you can  no one else but yourself! And you are quite happy, with being yourself;I'm the best of all, because I have some of mom, in me, and some of dad in me, that's what makes me!,[not to mention you also have God inside you] and that is the best part.If this still bothers you just pray for them, for God intervene in the parents thoughts about you, and how you are to be! God has a thought of how He wants you to be, too!

  4. im like you

    my mom wants me to carry a purse around but i hate um

    just be yourself

  5. I honestly dont think your parents have bad intentions. I've come to the conclusion that every parents thinks that their opinions and decisions are the best for their child and will disregaurd anything but their own. They beleive if you dress a certain way and act a certain way you will grow up to be succesful. I know you feel like your being judged and cant be the real you.  Respectfully speak up and maybe your parents will hear you out and tell you the reasons behind their behavior.

  6. Sorry that your parents are like that...My parents have always let me wear what I want. Though, today me and my mom got into an argument in the middle of the store about a pair of Levis that I wanted and she didn't want me to get. But the younger person won. I ended up getting them. But after you turn 18 you're free...You've paid your dues. Though I'll probably still be visiting my parents regularly. Its all worth it in the end.

  7. I think that you should wear what you want and not what they want because if you do not feel comfortable wearing something, you should not wear it.

  8. cos parents are evil

  9. WTF you sound kinda emo...~ xoxo ally*

  10. To me it sounds your parents want you be be a "normal" unexpressive kid.  They don't want others to look at them as raising a "hooligan" or anything.  I bet they are very conservative and expect others to be the dad is head of house, mom cooks dinner type of thing.  They prob. don't want anything that stands out of what they view is normal.

    You can't judge them on it, but you should be able to express yourself. maybe try and work out a compromise that you will "fit into their norm" when they're going on funcitons and such, but with school and at home and your friends you can be "youself" and dress and act how you like.  Until your 18... you can't really throw you weight around and are going to have to tolerate their closemindedness.

    I can understand if they didn't want you dressing in revealing clothes and such... but remember, they do love you and have the best at heart.  They may view your "difference" as rebellion and are worried your going to go down and start drinking and being out of control by wanting to speak your mind...

    I hope that you can work out some sort of agreement with them. but try and do it respectfully. it will go farther.

    It is your life and body, but they view it as reflecting them and they are trying to "form" your life for the better so take the good with the bad.

    Hope this helps

  11. quote/ It's your parents' body until you are an adult. /quote

    NO WAY. It is ALWAYS your body. Your body never belongs to anyone else. As for clothes, I hate dresses and skirts too, your not alone. Your not weird at all, a lot of girls don't. Maybe you should try to talk to them, and if you have tried that and it didnt work, I would suggest going shopping with some friends and getting some clothes you like and wearing them around your parents to see their reaction.

    My guess is they buy you these things because other girls your age are into them. Just let them know your not afraid to be yourself, and you would like to be.

    Good Luck.

  12. It's your parents' body until you are an adult. Be good, act decent and they will let you do more and express yourself more as you get older.

    When you are an adult you can do whatever and dress however you want.

  13. whats dereon?

    that sounds ghetto lol

  14. yeah well right now they beleive ur not old enough to make ur own choices so u are going to have to bare with them and ride it out it will get better.

  15. they aren't ashamed of you.

    what they are doing is teaching you class.

    something MANY MANY people lack these days.

    Sit there and take it.

    act like a lady, keep your hands folded in your lap, etc.

    it teaches you for the real world, when you get hired for a job, they wont want the that came in before you, with her muffin top and dirty nails. They'll choose you, who came in soft spoken, knowing that the clothes you were wearing fit your age. They'll like it a lot more.

    Trust me, your parent's believe it or not, are helping you.


    just go with the flow.

  16. because, if you wear the wrong clothing, it looks like you have bad parents... that's what my mom used to always say to me.

  17. They think that people judge them by the way you act or look. In a way, people do. Your parents have put alot of time into trying to make you into a respectable human being. If you act out - people think they are bad parents. Thats why they get on your case. It not only reflects on you - but them as well.

    How would you like it if your parents came to your school and started acting wierd in front of all your friends. Well, thats how they feel...

  18. Parents want what is best for their children.  Until you have recently gained your voice and own sense of style, you relied on them to choose clothes that did not make you look weird.  remember that parents generally have two things in mind.  1.  They want what is best for you and 2.  They want you to be the perfect outcome of their perfect parenting.

    Since #2 is so hard - refer to #1

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