
Why are some people afraid of diving?

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Why are some people afraid to dive in a lake, ocean, pond, etc.?




  1. If someone is afraid to dive in a body of water it is probably because they do not know how deep it is and do not want to hit the bottom. They may just have a fear of unknown water or think its gross. If they are afraid to dive into a pool it maybe because they do not open their eyes underwater and do not want to hit the bottom.

  2. in those bodies of water, they might be afraid because they dont know how deep it is or if there are objects that could hurt them.

    if theyre afraid to dive in a pool it could be because they are uncomfortable with diving head/arms first into a pool, because its just natural instinct to not want to do that (since if you did that on most other surfaces you would hurt yourself)

  3. because they might think it gross, and there might be objects in the way, and if it's unknown they won't know how deep it is, so they are worried they might hit the bottom.

  4. cause they get water up their nose or they are afraid of heights?

  5. Some people are afraid of diving because they are probably scard that they might get hurt or something if they hit the water to hard. Also, they dont know how deep it is and they might hit the bottom.

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