
Why are some people afraid of mirrors?

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Is there something trapped in them that will get you? Or are they a portal to some other dimension?




  1. I have an idea..just came into my head...Maybe if a person was possessed by an evil spirit..and that spirit was inside of them...then the spirit couldn't look at the person it had possessed unless it looked into a mirror. Please don't thumbs down me...I'm just trying to come up with an answer to this.

  2. Neither, they're just fugly.

  3. cuz when you turn off the lights at night and look strait into one you will see a skeleton reflection!

  4. I don't know much about the mythology section, but in the science and math section a mirror is simply a surface that reflects light particles.

    Perhaps, they are afraid that long term exposure to bright light will cause thier colors to fade. Pehaps?

  5. They are afraid of what they might see.

  6. because they are meant to be portals into the spirit world, alot of people have had experiences with messing around with mirrors, including myself when i was a teenager

  7. I think the mirror got a bad rap like the snake, rats and cockroaches. In ancient times the mirror was "thought" to "capture" the soul from the person and therefore it was 7 years of bad luck if you broke a mirror because it was believed it took 7 years for the soul to revitalize itself so until the 7th year, you would have bad luck because you bruised the soul when breaking the mirror. Humans tend to perpetuate superstitions, beliefs and horror stories. Mirrors are not portals to anything except in horror movies. Its a Hollywood thing. So relax and enjoy the mirror and if you drop it and break it, oh well, Wal-Mart can replace it for under $10 and you can still win the lotto tomorrow.

  8. Superstition. I am a witch and I see my reflection fine. Being a witch is not like you see in the movies and television. It is a religion and incorporates magick which is the same as prayer. Magick works because it helps us to believe. If you can believe in yourself and what you hope to accomplish you can and will accomplish it. Just like the power of positive thinking.

    I am sure there is a story about mirrors and something evil somewhere if you look hard enough. I myself have never seen anyone afraid of mirrors. I have known people who do not like them because they don't like their body or looks but that is just how they perceive themselves and not how others see them.


  9. I just dont like whats looking back at me!!!

  10. There are accounts of people claiming to have seen a spirit in the mirror, when they turn around there's no one there. I think that some people are afraid that it could happen to them.

  11. they reflect the truth.

  12. Its that freak that looks back at me every time i pass one. Why cant that girl do something with her hair! Blech!

  13. Because their vampires and they can't see themselves.

  14. 'cause they're worlocks or witches?

  15. I wouldn't say I'm afraid of mirrors, but sometimes they creep me out, when I'm home alone, or just watched a scary movie, you expect to look into them and see a killer or something, it always happens in the movies, so I think that's where it comes from.

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