
Why are some people against france, or why are they americas enemys?

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in my family we were talking about a vacation and i threw out "FRANCE" and my dads like, no we hate them their our enemys, why is it the city of love if we hate them, and all that type of stuff, why?




  1. what?????????????????????, france is your ennemy?????? i don't understand!!!!!!! we don't want war look the irak and all the american soldiers who are dead!!!!!

    bush go outttttttttttttttttttt and our president go out too!!!

    but if you don't know us why do you hate us?????

    i'm french and i love usa ( ^^ ) but i think i don't understand you...

  2. I guess mass media are to blame.

    I'm French and I spent one year in America. I was not considered as an enemy (although that was in 2001 so no Iraq war).

    I don't know what American media had showed at the time but I clearly remember French media showing American people emptying bottles of red wine in the streets and that thing about changing the name of what you call French fries (in fact it was taken quite lightly here since we consider fries to come from Belgium so it was er ... more funny that anything else).

    I'm pretty sure you guys in America saw such "hating" things on your television from French people.

    Anyway my point is : we do not hate Americans and I don't think Americans hate French people. It was a fun thing to do for our media and that's all.

    Now can we blame a whole country for the decision of 1 man (be it Bush or Chirac)??? I don't think so.

  3. Because we dont speak french. One reason

       My father and many world war 2 vets came back after the war cursing the french more than the Germans

  4. i am a us citizen living in france

    americans with no education believe medias and france is the ennemy after bush invaded iraq no thinking

    after all what s happening now : us voters want out of it ?

    who was right?

    both:should have invaded iraq then let the united nations deal with keeping the country safe american marines are not police men or sheriffs

    but your issue is a travel to france

    as the most visited country in the world france has great places to visit there is a lot to see here

    backpack and have a ball

  5. It's silly, because they spoke out against the war in Iraq. Many people in France and the world view Americans as arrogant and disrespectful of the rights and ways of others.

  6. wait a few years and come to France without your family, then you'll see by yourself if you like this country or not !

    you know, I don't like the way Bush govern the USA and I think that some american are complete jerks. But I also know some american who are very nice and who are my friends, and I really like the landscape of your coutry.

    So even if I don't like the way Bush's government think and act, I'll still come and visit the USA.

    I guess that even if american people think that Chirac is a bad president or that France do stupid things in the world... I mean, all the French don't think the same thing, and landscapes and cities in France are beautiful.

    Anyway, I think it's stupid to hate someone or a country if you don't know it... So tell your dads to come to France, and you'll talk about all that later.

    You know what your dads do : racism.

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