
Why are some people called "humans," and others called "human beings"?

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Why are some people called "humans," and others called "human beings"?




  1. Homosapiens are humans...cats and dogs...human beings...President Bush...neither

  2. same thing...............

  3. The terms are interchangeable. There is no quantitative difference between the two.

  4. As far as I know, they are one in the same.  It's all just a matter of preference.

  5. Maybe,(and this is my opinion), a human is just a living type of homoerectus; and a human being is a person that applies themselves to "being" human, in the ways we created- like not dirtying up the toilet seat? So its an advantage to be a human being -GREAT TO HAVE AS A FELLOW CITIZEN!

  6. Humans are just an abbreviation...

  7. It is a distinction without a difference.

  8. Sames reason we sometimes say 'later' instead of 'see you later' instead of 'I will see you later"

    Or same reason you say "AIGHT" instead of "All right"

  9. Preference.

    Some people prefer to call homo sapiens "humans", while others prefer the term "human beings".

    From wiki:

    "Human beings define themselves in biological, social, and spiritual terms. Biologically, humans are classified as the species Homo sapiens (Latin for "knowing man"): a bipedal primate belonging to the superfamily of Hominoidea, with all of the apes: chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, and gibbons."

    Both terms, "Human" and "Human Being" are the same thing.

    Being, means the state, or fact of existing.

    So when you say "human being", it is just an asserted fact that the existence IS human.

    Gosh this is so complex.

    Why don't people just call themselves PEOPLE?

    That makes all the difference in the world..



  10. i wonder why...

    but isn't it the same??

  11. It's a long story.....

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