
Why are some people frightened to live near volcanoes?

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  1. Because they don't fully undersatnd them.  Most people are caught in the hysteria and fear of a volcano erupting and killing them.

    In fact, much of the world's population live close to volcanoes and the number of people killed in volcanic eruptions compared to the number of people living near volcanoes is quite low.  I believe you will find more people have died in floods and earthquakes than in volcanic eruptions.

    The risk is ever present, and with proper knowledge and monitoring, there could potentially be little risk.  But it goes back to people fearing the worst case scenerio, and as volcanoes being large features, it is an ever present reminder of a potential danger, sadly, people don't tend to see rivers as points of potential danger.

    People have grown up that rivers are peaceful places, places to fish, boat and relax, yet volcanoes only ever really make the news when they erupt.  Its perception of risk and fear.

  2. Because they might explode?

  3. M.B answered before me but with the right answer


  5. Volcanoes tend to erupt, spewing lava and ash, destroying homes and sometimes killing people nearby.

  6. Volcanoes are destructive and deadly. They can kill or destroy with lava flows, falls of ash, pyroclastic flows (hot hurricanes of poisonous gases with rocks), mudflows (lahars), earthquakes, and can break dams holding reservoirs that can drown and smash populations at lower elevations. Sometimes a very small eruption can melts snow and ice and send a huge stream of mud to bury whole towns. Hence the disaster of the Nevada del Ruiz that killed 25,000. Mt.Ranier is likely to do this some time soon. So the towns for miles about have regular drills to evacuate to the slopes when the sirens sound.

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