
Why are some people (horse back riders) such Hypocrites ?

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Some people get bent out of shape when they hear someone runs their horse. There's no difference between running your horse and barrel racing, show jumping, or dressage. There's an equal amount of chance your horse can get hurt doing any of these thing.

Most people that run their horses (like me) don't run in areas we don't know, we all aren't stupid

For the people that show or event horses that comment badly on us people that run are horses, maybe you shouldn't include that you compete because you come across as a HYPOCRITE




  1. its because we are professional riders...and people that just own horses are not and should not take the chance, no matter how well you know the area.

  2. Dunno mate, who got your fur all wet? Horse sports are all with some risk, and if somone is coming across all negitive about running horses, just ignore them. I make my wages off of skill and sweat too, and nay sayers are welcome to go muck the stalls:)

  3. Ya hit the nail on the head there!  Some of them say 'oh, you're such a bad rider, you run your horse', then they go into the arena and run barrels or poles or whatnot.  I run my gelding on trails I've ridden hundreds of times.  After storms there are sometimes fallen trees, which means a fun little jump.  Am I a bad horseowner?  Nope, because I know what I'm doing, and my gelding loves it!

  4. Being a jockey here in Australia,I don't really give a flying F.CK what anyone says.I just ride the mothers in races.

  5. I personaly don't care what other people think.  I am the one who takes care of my horses, I am the one who pays the vet bills, I am the one who pays the farier, I am the one who pays for everything... I don't care what other people think.  If I feel like running my horse, then its going to happen.

  6. I agree

  7. I agree with you to a certain point. I do eventing, and I'm not going to lie you could put a hunter in a XC field and they would pee in their pants because of the way we do things. However I dont object to horse racing. The horses are bred to do it, so let them. Eventers mainly get Xracers anyways so who are we to complain.

  8. Anthony, you have to understand that in a medium like this board, people have no way of knowing how responsible someone is, how capable they are, how reasonable they are, or even if they're just trolling.  So people tend to go off the deep end a lot of times when responding to something that's posted that they don't agree with.

    I don't see anything wrong with someone giving their pleasure riding horse a good "pipe-cleaning" gallop as long as they aren't endangering their horse.  That means the horse isn't being asked to run beyond its condition or capabilities, it isn't running over ground where it's at high risk of getting hurt, that it's been properly warmed up before being asked to run, and is properly cooled down after the run.

    If proper care is taken, a horse can be ridden safely in a lot of different venues.  If proper care is not taken, then there is no venue where a horse can be ridden safely.  It's that simple.  The catch is defining what "proper care" is.

    People who love horses will not knowingly do anything that puts them at risk of harm.  I think all of us who love horses feel that way.

    (Personally, I'm not thrilled with the idea of a fast gallop across the landscape on horseback under any circumstances, because it's got the potential to be bad for bones-- MY bones, to be specific.  I'm 50 now and don't bounce when I hit the ground anymore.  Some good advice I got from a trainer when I started riding:  "never ride faster than the speed you're willing to hit the ground at."  Truly words to live by as you get older.)

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