
Why are some people in the UK against locking up terrorists for 42 days?

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i can't see the problem when you consider all the death and destruction caused on 9/11 & 7/7 etc 42 days seems very lenient to me. if i had my way they'd be locked up for life




  1. I dno but they should be in for more dan 42 days do u no dat lol ??

  2. to many soft M.Ps. ...lock em up with the terrorist's.. 42 days ...42yrs would be better

  3. I know it beggars belief. All this human rights stuff. Sometimes human rights gets in the way of "JUSTICE". It seams that the human rights of the perpetrator are more important than the dead victim & thier family.

  4. Something to do with their human rights. Its a shame the terrorists don't think about our human rights before blowing us up.

  5. the problem is some of the ones locked up might not be terrorists.

  6. You're getting a bit muddled up dearie, can't lock people up for life before they've had a trial and been found guilty.

  7. In this PC world the rights of the few far outweigh the rights of the majority, weird eh ? (and shhhhhh they may be Muslims ! and we wouldn't want to upset them now would we) allah akbar.

  8. the ex head of MI5 said it wasnt necessary, so if they have said that why should somebody be detained for 42 days without charge.

    Its a slippery slope!

    It also depends on what sort of government u have in the future.

    Today's terrorists - tomorrow's leaders

  9. Nobody is against locking up terrorists for 42 days and a lot longer.

    It's locking up innocent people while the security services discover they aren't terrorists that people object to.

    When you're willing to accept being locked up in error for 6 weeks while enquiries are made about you, then we might listen.

  10. I don;t think people should just be locked up unless a true suspect but our government also has an obligation to protect us,  I am very sorry for any innocent person that may be held but that happens with most criminals until a their trial.  We also owe something to the victims of terror as we are at war against terrorism.   This problem is not going away,  most of our Muslim friends have chosen to live here and want to just work and bring up their children to be a credit to them, they chose this country because it is were they a free to follow the Koran have a good education and standard of living.  However their children are looking for roots and are led by rogue Imans who brainwash the young and preach hatred encouraging them to hate us and become suicide bombers while they become old men strange that the young don't notice all these leaders ARE OLD.   42 days is not long to prove you are innocent

  11. I think that people are worried that so called anti terrorist laws are not used against terrorists but against the public as a whole.  For example, we have the ludicrous situation whereby Bin Laden's representaive in this country walks free, thanks to the Human Rights Act but local Councils are applying their anti terrorist powers to track parents who might be fiddling the catchment areas rules on schools or even tracking the owner of dogs who foul the pavements.  This sort of draconian legislation can only work if applied to what it was intended.  Otherwise it's a measure of totalitarianism.

  12. Because the detention would come before determination of guilt. There is no evidence to support a longer period being required. There are already measures in place that could be used if the need for a longer period arose in any case.

    It is a politically motivated action to try and prove to the general public they are taking tough action to keep us all safe! (bullsh*t)

  13. Your obviously a brain dead idiot who doesn't realise that all powers are abused!!! Going by your way of thinking then all religious leaders should be locked up for life for all the rape,infantaside,  murder and wars  in the name of religion.How would you like to spend SIX WEEKS in a cell without charge then to be released without charge taking into account your job has gone and maybe even the wife and kids.On the flip side of that great idea once released these people will be suing for compensation.THE BIGGEST TERRORISTS ARE THE TWO GOVERNMENTS

  14. If they got arrested, something must have aroused the

    authorties to make them a suspect. All we need is to

    prove it.

  15. heres some more things to remember 'Birmingham 6?  Guildford 4? !! Remember.........

    The UK is supposed to be a democracy, where people are questioned and imprisoned when proven guilty.  In Northern Ireland the British government brought about interment, (imprisonment without trial), it exploded the nationalist cause in Northern Ireland and lead to 20 years of blood shed.

    If someone is guilty I reckon the police will know within a week, and then gather evidence, you or I could easily be accused of anything and -based on your reasoning - we could be locked away for years without trial.  Do you honestly want your government to become like Bush and Guantanamo bay debacle?

  16. I think its better to lock up an innocent suspected terrorist than let a guilty one go free to kill innocent civilians with their bombs. 42 days is not a long time and if they are really innocent will be freed in far less a time

  17. should there be some evidence first? before they get locked up? otherwise you could be called a terrorist and locked up couldnt you. or me. an innocent man was decked and nailed to the ground by bournemouth police  very recently. luckily for this man who just happened to be black, he  managed to prove his innocence and was released with apologies. just suppose he didnt have that proof readily available. the law is, innocent until proven guilty. that law must apply to everyone

  18. Robw6.0, you just do not lock up people indefinitely without charging them with some specific crime. And when nations known to tout their horns about democracy and about rule by law engage in such activities, then we indeed have a problem!

    And Johndehaura, Nelson Mandela was a Freedom Fighter, not a "terrorist"! But then, this is the first time that people and/or nations have been labeled "terrorists" for having opinions different from that of those seeking to impose upon them! Did you know that in the 1770s, North Americans resisting British impositions (acts that eventually laid the foundation for "We the people ...") were called terrorists and insurgents by the British? Meanwhile, do check out the following thought-provoking discussion on terrorism:

    Terrorism As I See It -

  19. Because how would you like to be called and accused of being a terrorist - then being locked up for 42 days before it could or could not be proven.

    You clearly are NOT a terrorist... are you?  Nelson Mandela was a supposed terrorist.  When Nelson Mandela visited the White House a month ago, it was discovered that he was still on the septic-tanks (yanks) terrorist watch list.

    Actually, you may even be a terrorist?  You can't prove to me you aren't!!!  I'm going to call the police right now and have them trace you down and have them lock you up for 5 weeks in a dark room.  Hope you don't mind!


  20. because

  21. you'll find its a lot of dogooders whos root go back to the muslim countries plus people like david davis i can see no wrong might stop more english people getting bombed it should be longerand davis should remember the brighton bombing too


  22. Depends on how you would define terrorists. Have yourself locked up for 6 weeks, in a high security prison, with no out side contact for all that time, just because someone THOUGHT you were a terrorist, without any evidence to back

    it up.

    Terror by legality is still terror!

    They came after Jews, but  I was not a Jew, so I did nothing.

    They came after Blacks, but I was not Black, so I did nothing.

    They came after Asians, but I was not Asian, so I did nothing.

    Then, they came after me, and there was no left, because I had done nothing!

  23. Cos I believe in innocent until proven guilty - I don't mind a guilty terrorist being locked up for 42 days, but I know that if I were in that position and I was innocent, I'd think it was breaching my human rights. You can be locked up for upto 42 days without conviction - if nothings been proven, then its not fair to lock someone up who may not be guilty

  24. They are SUSPECTED terrorists rob, but I agree with the 42 days. The actual terrorists could be executed, after all execution is still allowed in a war and  is anybody saying we are not in a war?

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