
Why are some people inhibited?

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I find it difficult to express how I am feeling. When i was younger I had a great desire to talk but felt like I couldn't. I felt like a prisoner in my own body. I held back emotions, suppressed them. I am 20 now. I have memory problems, misplace things, I have outburst of anger. Sometimes I laugh out loud because I think of something funny. People don't understand this. Sometimes I don't know what triggers these emotions. I live in my own world. Sometimes I am de-attached from everything-earth. Identity, feeling like I didn't fit in my entire life. Cultural differences. I can not identify with some of these labels that exist in my environment. Lost in translation. Random. Inhibited. Confused.

I want to be able to complete many tasks, take on difficult responsibilities, be of use to myself and others.

No medication, no psychologist, I need an alternative. Feedback?




  1. Well, to work out your emotions, I would recommend talking to a counselor. Most good counselors won't give you drugs unless you ask for them (and need them), so you won't have to worry about that. They basically just let you talk and help you sort out whatever emotions and/or problems you may be experiencing. If you want to come out of "your own world", feel less "detached", or help with "feeling like you don't fit in", they can help you work through all of that without medication.

    If you ask among friends, church group, work, or any other people that you trust, you should be able to get some good references for good counselors in your area.

    As far as the memory problems, there are several natural products that can help with that. The most popular ones for brain health are Ginkgo Biloba, Acetyl L-Carnitine, Fish Oil (Omega 3), Phosphatidylserine (abbreviated PS), DMAE, Huperzine A, Bacopa Monnieri (or Monniera), and Vinpocetine.

    There are a LOT of people that get a lot of benefit from any combination of those. I would suggest adding one at a time to your daily regiment as too much too fast can be tough. Good luck with everything!

  2. many people have a THYROID problem and  what you are describing sounds like you might... try increasing your diet with KELP every day and  when you are at the health  store pick up SEED WEED  you may open the capsule  sprinkle it over a small amount of water & drink it  this will help get your thyroid  in balance this is not an over nite  it will take a little time as ALL aternative med. after a while you will feel the differance

  3. Try to address your stress levels by finding something that you are incredibly passionate about .....  throw yourself into it with all your mind body heart and soul ...... excel at something and bolster your self esteem and self confidence ....  it's an amazing feeling to do well at something you truly love doing ....... express yourself through dancing & music if you like music .........  go wild dancing to loud rock music or whatever music grabs your fancy .......  you need to try and address your stress levels because stress can have some ghastly affects on your body if you let it get away from you.

    For memory loss try eating more foods rich in Vitamin B1 (thiamine) ie ~ brewer's yeast, whole grain breads and cereals, meat, organic nuts, legumes such as peas, beans and lentils and potatoes.

    also take a multi B complex supplement including all the B's ie ~ B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12 as they work best as a group......... a liquid supplement would be the easiest for your body to assimilate .........don't take any of the B complex of vitamins individually but rather as a whole group unless specifically told to by a nutritionally oriented physician or naturopath..... the B complex is essential for healthy neural, digestive and immune system functioning and helps combat stress.

    The need for B1 (and the B complex) increases when we are stressed, during illness and surgery. B1 has beneficial effects on the nervous system and mental attitude and will also aid in digestion and keep nervous system, muscles and heart functioning normally............ The B complex of vitamins will help bolster your system so as you can better deal with the everyday little dramas life presents for us.

    It is a water soluble complex and as such our bodies can neither produce or store them. Therefore we need to ingest them on a daily basis or suffer the side affects.

    Things that will rob you of your precious B complex of vitamins are :- stress, eating too much protein, alcohol, eating too much tinned food, laxatives and diuretics, antiobiotics, antidepressants, penicillin, prednisone and aspirin, otc cold and flu medicines.

    Also, try to cut back on drinks such as caffeine, tea, sodas and soft drinks as they are all B complex thieves........ as well as being great at dehydrating you

    Also, an L-glutamine supplement taken 3 times daily with a meal will also bolster a healthy immune and nervous system and assist in maintaining muscle function....... it also helps maintain the health of intestinal flora and thus is a digestive aid... Glutamine is a natural amino acid and a naturally occuring antioxidant and is brilliant for helping you to retain more information and recollecting particular thoughts.

    Other nutrients which are said to enhance your memory are ~ Vitamine E, grapeseed extract, lipoic acid, Vitamin B3 (niacin), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B12 (cobalamin),folic acid, choline, gingko biloba, gotu kola ............ obviously none of them will turn you into Albert Einsteen but you'll surely start remembering more mate.

    Don't stop laughing out loud, sing and laugh and dance out loud to your heart's content mate .....  express yourself and hang the boneheads who don't understand it .......  self expression rocks i say...........  it is your job to simply be the best possible you that you ever can.

    hope this helps a bit

    peace 2 u

  4. You are a leader, hone in on those skills and build on them. What you are seeking cannot be found with people that just live normal lives. You are meant to be greater and possibly travel or be more involved in a humanitarian type life. Ordinary people will never understand you.

    For your other health problems go for the basic problems first.

    Iron deficency test: Go to the mirror and pull your lower eyelid and see if the color is red or flesh color. If its flesh colored you are lacking enough iron and should take a herbal iron like Floradix. It will take a month to see a difference. Iron carrys oxygen in your blood and if you dont have it you will feel tired, cold hands and feet, headaches, RLS, dull brittle hair, brittle nails, poor sleep, pale skin (see thru), shortness of breath, fatigue, poor concentration, low mood, ringing in the ears, irregular heart beats, cracks in the corner of the mouth, dizziness, fainting, sore tongue and canker sores. Add b12 and folic acid for best results

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