
Why are some people just butt holes?

by Guest55819  |  earlier

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I did something nice for one of the "so called" friends and he didn't appreciate it. He owes me $20.00 (i'm over it) and still hasn't paid me and i told him that he needs to appreciate what i've done for him and he told me "yeah i appreciate you sitting on your a**"..why is he like that?




  1. Be nice because that is the way you are.  If you want something back your not being nice.  I gave a lady a LOT of money to get an operation (she was going to die).  Never thought of it again.  Never even mentioned it to her.  If I saved her life I could not be happier.  If I was a fool, it was not me the fool - really!

  2. I would nick something from him but that's me being immature. Lol.

    In all seriousness, you get people who you think you can trust & they just turn around & stab you in the back. Stuff 'em! I say. They have problems but it's not up to you to sort 'em out.

  3. You better grow up really fast kid.

  4. Um he's like that because he knows he can take advantage of you. Hr knows that your too emotional to say ***** off or get mad at him so he's s******g you over for his own personal gain. It's like what politicians do.

  5. Boy's ahb-viously taking advantage of you.  I don't know why people are such buttholes, I've been wondering that too.  Get a new friend.

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