
Why are some people mean?

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Im just really curious to know

For the past years

I realized that some people like to be mean for no reason. But I believe that no one acts all negative and mean for no reason, so what exactly is the reason? (sorry if my wording is confusing)

To make it more clear I’ll add some more details

im pretty much very quiet and shy at school. Actually, I don’t talk unless I’m spoken to (or If im with my friends). I just never know what to say.

so in one class I decide to sit next to these girls, without knowing they like to gossip/criticize people. Ofcourse they start doing that to me, saying how quiet I am, and how weird that is, and then somehow conclude that im ugly..They don’t even know me, or never even had a conversation with me before.

And other times ppl just like to gossip about me, when they have never taken the time to talk to me or get to know me.

I know these aren’t exactly the meanest and worst things people can do to others, but its just an example.

what’s the point of being mean?

is it cuz it makes them feel better? Inferiority complex? To channel out all the bad things about themselves by criticizing others? Or is it just some weird way of showing that they want to get to know you?

I usually ignore ppl like that, and I am not asking for pity or sympathy.

what are the motives for people being mean?

Thank soo much in advance, and thanks for taking the time to read this long entry.




  1. Some people never had an authority figure that morally knew right from wrong durring the developmental phase of their brain while they we're little. And some just have issues at home and their hormones make them take it out on other people

  2. You sound like a woman with a caring nature and a good heart. I think you have answered your own question. It could be for any of the above reasons you mentioned. I would suggest you join a club at school. When I was in high school there were a lot of clubs after school. We had a chess club, a photography club, and lots of outdoor athletics. I think you have the ability not to let them crush your spirit, or give in to their tauntings. Stay true to your beautiful nature and in the end you will be proven to be the better person.  

  3. If a child feels fairly insecure, to make themselves feel better about themselves, one way is to put others down .... especially girls use stinging words the most cause they usually don't back it up with fists like guys do.

  4. People are mean because they have anger issues or they think it makes them feel powerfull

  5. people are mean because

    1. thats their personality

    2. they are jealous

    3. They find it fun to pick on people they think are "lesser than them"

  6. Hey there,

    When I was younger, I used to wonder the exact same thing. I just couldn't "get" it... WHAT is the point of being bi*chy?? I really didn't understand.... why be nasty? What do you get out of it, except for making the other person feel bad? And doesn't making someone else feel bad make YOU feel bad?? I really couldn't get my head around it.

    Anyway, since then, I've come to the conclusion that they just do it because they feel really bad, awful, hideous, nasty, and ugly inside, and they think being mean will help them feel better about themselves.  But the thing is, it doesn't help them feel any better. It makes them feel worse. It makes them emptier and emptier, until, at a certain point, there's nothing left inside them. So don't worry - no one has to get "revenge" on them - the fact that they unknowingly make their own lives miserable is revenge enough.

    Being NICE to people has the opposite effect. Not only does it make the other person feel good, but it makes you feel so wonderful, and enriches your life.

    Don't worry about the "mean" people; they'll get theirs.  

  7. My daughter age6 started school 3 days ago.

    She is small for her age and gets picked on.

    Guess what I weigh 180lbs. Stand 5'11".

    I WILL TALK WITH THEM!! nicely.

  8. because they think they r better than everyone else. ther r lots of girls in my school like that. they r so mean so i just avoid them. and if they say something mean you can just say- "How would like it if someone treated you like that? I bet you wouldn't last 3 hours in my life!" they might think about that for a while. i usually tend to ignor ethem though!

  9. cus we all were born from different environment?


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