
Why are some people naturally morning people or night people?

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I have always been a fan of the dark hours of the day, and cannot remember a time in my life that I didn't favor the night over the light. Why is that? And what makes somebody prefer the light over the night? Is it a characteristic of a specific type of personality? Or is it all determined by your upbringing?




  1. I'd say it's probably genetics. I've always been a night person too, so maybe our ancestors were once nocturnal and we just happened to get that side of the gene pool.  

  2. I say it only depends on sleeping schedule. For instance, I like to stay up during the early AM mornings to sign onto the internet, use the later mornings and afternoon to sleep, while I hang out with my friends during the evening. After that, I repeat the process.

  3. It could, infact, be in your genetics.

    I do recall from somewhere that a large percentage of mammals are infact nocturnal, from badgers to monkeys and even apes.

    But yeah, people tended to prefer the light in our evolution because it made it easier to see natural foods, like brightly-coloured berries and nuts.

    It may well be the case, that deep down in our genetic structure, we started off as nocturnal creatures.

  4. hormones, illness and what you did that day are entering into it....i stay up later when theres a choice if I slept late that day but last night was exhuasted due to fever so im awake for awhile..

  5. Because of our Circadian Rhythm, our Master Clock. That's why!

    'The classic phase markers for measuring the timing of a mammal's circadian rhythm are melatonin secretion by the pineal gland and core body temperature.'

    From Wiki - you'll find a LOT of info here, H! ::

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