
Why are some people not having problems with Boards, but otherrs are?

by  |  earlier

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Saw questions here - one asking why the boards are not working, another stating he was unable to post but others were. I can't post. Messages on one board that always has new posts STOPPED yesterday afternoon & today still shows no new messages. I can't post on ANY board altho other people are posting today. I have MAC OS X running Safari Browser.




  1. Ive not been able to get on either,  boards I checked all posts basically stopped at 4:45 pm Aug 24th.  I can log on, view posts and type a response but when submitting I get a page not found.

    Saw sone posts with "Rec's" in excess of 200, thought that was odd.  Maybe they were hacked?

  2. no one can post, I saw that question, too, from the person who said 'others could' but I doubt he or she checked the last date/time a message was sent when they tried

    go here:

    and leave a message like:FIX THE BOARDS

  3. Surf Boards?

  4. it seems that yahoo is growing to big for there computer servers and it is cauing a slow down of computers hanging   that and verizon is still working on the network digging up ground and snapping lines which means that dsl service is  H E L L  that and the road way repairs are not helping that is the problem too.

    sorry to say it all is a big opainin the neck

  5. No one is getting in.

    They are DEAD.

    RIP Yahoo! Message boards.

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