
Why are some people so adament about meat eating?

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im not making fun. i want a honest answer because i dont know. i know they get hurt in factory farms but, personaly i dont think animals are realy smart enough to have a emotion or thought on the pain. some people seem to care more about animals than human life. my dog bit me once as a child and it was taken away. i was told it was becaus it might happen again and my life was more important.




  1. I LOVE MEAT. I watched the "Slaughter house" videos and i feel bad, but hey....thats technology. we could be chasing them and eating them alive right? Lol. No, seriously.....Right?

  2. In that case yeah, fair enough. But we don't need to eat animals, or hurt animals, and it doesn't hurt us not to eat them, so why do we do it? Just 'cos we like the TASTE? Thats not a very good reason to kill, as far as I'm concerned.

  3. Animals do suffer and feel it.  It is one of there survival traits to feel pain ( as strange as it sounds)

    The people helping animals are people that are not thinking straight most of the times.  1st off in Catholicism they say animals were put here to feed us and that we should respect them, if you don't believe in god, like me, than you should realize we are all tyrants and no matter what we do we must always kill something to live weather plants, germs, or animals, just as most other life.

  4. First of all, meat is not bad for you. Like everything is this world, too much is a bad thing, including veggies, fruits, nuts, vitamins, and other c**p that people take so that they can be meat free.

    It was the proteins in meat that enabled our brain to expand to the level where we can think and reason.

    Besides, we are a part of the food chain, we consume because it is healthy, taste good, and population control. I personally enjoy meat because of the taste.

  5. Google or youtube animal cruelty.

    Millions of innocent animals are killed in horrible, torturous ways (ie. skinned alive)  And yes, they do feel it and they do know whats going can tell by their faces and the way they scream and whine when being hurt. Just like we would.

  6. Animals were put on this earth for us to eat as food.  I am not going to ignore anything and say something stupid like "if I dont see it, it doesnt happen".  I am a hunter - part time during the year I hunt for my own food - and animals do squeal and grunt and chirp and everything else when they die - thats natural.  If I had my own house and was not renting, I would also have my own garden.

    I used to avoid having a lot of meats, usually only have it one meal a day, but that lead to a ton of medical complications all of a sudden erupting at once one day out of the blue.  I never even knew what hit me.  I felt totally fine right up to the very second I suddenly got ill.

    Now, my diet is carefully monitored by three doctors, and I cannot avoid one type of food or another.  I have meat with every meal, fruit with every meal, vegetables with every meal, and a dairy product with every meal.  Without that balance being kept, one thing or another in my body would fail and I would end up in the hospital or dead.

  7. I'm not a vegetarian, and I will never be one unless sometime in the future people start brainwashing people to be vegetarians. Your life IS more important. Vegetarians want to save all the little animals in the world, and be politically aware. But do they really stand for what they believe in at animal factories and such? Pish posh. I've never heard of it.

  8. Animals can feel pain and have emotion

    Animals are like us


    -pigs are smarter than dogs and young children. They are affectionate and like to play video games.

    -Hens and chickens talk to each other even while the chick is still in the egg

    -If you give an apple or a small ball to a group of turkeys, they'll play together, kind of like they're on a football or soccer team

    -Cows are execellent mothers, they even take turns babysitting for each other

    It's wierd and it dosen't sound true but it is

  9. Vegetarians support their ways for many reasons.  Some of it is because they love animals and some of it is because it takes an very large amount of land, time, and energy to raise all the animals we use for meat.

  10. Some of the vegetarians on here are very outspoken and think that their way is the ONLY way.  They are intolerant of any other people, and think everyone should be just like them .....  As an American, I believe that everyone should be free to eat what they want to eat, without having a bunch of blow-hards yapping at them all the time.......Half of the so-called vegetarians are only doing it "to try it out," because they don't want to kill the cute little animals......

  11. some people (including the person who claims being vegan is "one dumb thing") arent educated about vegan/vegetarianism.

    I dont eat meat or dairy and it has nothing to do with animal rights. Most people would not consume these animal products if they knew the amount of hormones and chemicals in it.

  12. Because meat is gross and terrible for you.  It is also very bad for the environment to raise those animals and they do disgusting things to them.  You are an animal to, do you want to be tortured and then eatin by a cow?

  13. It's just what they believe in. You don't have to listen to them if you don't want to.  But they have the right to express that opinion as much as you have the right to ignore what they say.

    Yes some people, not a lot but some, do care more for animals than they do people. But again, that's their thing. As long as they don't hurt another human being, then there is no law that will convict them.

  14. Well, it's a personal choice. :) I do it for my own health, the environment, and animal welfare.

    You might want to check out EARTHLINGS, if you're truly curious if animals have emotions or feel pain:

  15. do you know what they do to dogs that bite children?

    they take them to isolation kennels which have electrified floors and train them to kill and feed on sedated puppy labradors until they get big enough and vicious enough when they take them to cambodia and run them through abandoned minefields until they get a leg blown off and then they get eaten.

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