I was wondering why so many people are so against home schooling, but can provide no reason other than the lack of socialization, claiming a home schooled child will have no socialization skills. First of all, as a home schooling parent of a 7 year old, I realized very quickly that I did not want my child socializing with a lot of the children in the school system. Why is it that people say that a child can't get any social skills being home schooled? There are other places that other children are. Activities such as dance, karate, church, 4-H, and numerous home school groups to meet others.
My second question is, why did you decide to home school your child(ren)? I found that in the public school my child was being exposed to things that I didn't feel needed to be exposed to a 5 year old child. She got picked on for being different, or picked on for no reason at all which is damaging and she's got little to no self-esteem. Secondly, we have religious beliefs. We use a Christian lesson plan that follows those beliefs and teaches our child. I also feel that with home schooling, my husband and I can teach our child the opposing views of our beliefs so that she can learn and stand up for what she believes in when she makes that decision. I would love to know other people's reasons for home schooling! Thank you so much!