
Why are some people so audacious as to suggest...?

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That women are NOT fighting on the front lines of this current situation in Iraq?

I just saw yet ANOTHER anti-feminist woman say that men wanting women to stay at home because they are "made" to do so and then wanting custody once they leave their wives is somehow like the "inequality" of women not being privy to the draft, and not being required to fight on the front lines.

Women in the military ARE on the front lines, they ARE dying, and they ARE being maimed, spindled and mutilated along with their male counterparts. How dare the poster suggest otherwise.

Question: How many of you believe women soldiers are NOT really a part of this war?

Why do people insist on believing the female soldiers are sitting around a big screen TV painting their nails and drinking lattes behind the wire in Fallujah?

Do you think women should be pulled out? What would that mean?




  1. I would like to see stats on the number of women in actual front-line combat. I would also like to see NOW campaign for women to be drafted with the same vigour that they campaign for equal pay for women who work fewer hours in less-skilled jobs than men.

    Women who are strong enough, have the right attitude and are eager to engage in combat - well done and good luck. But these are going to be a smaller proportion of women than will be found in men, and combat is one of the equal rights that is low on the list of feminist demands.


    Notice how a female soldier's death makes the headlines - sort of proves my point. Men get killed in combat all the time but that is so usual it just isn't newsworthy

    @ Ms Happy AKA  Object of Its Ire:  In the real world the death of a female soldier gets a whole lot more media coverage than the death of a male soldier. Of course on the Planet Feminazi reality is very different.

  2. Doodle obviously hasn't been up on the Canadian news lately; every soldier who gets killed gets generally the same amount of headlines.

    I must admit that I didn't know how many women have actually been in combat so far. I figured they were mostly working as medics or logistics officers, or something like that. So, bad Rio.

  3. if there was an army of women, the enemy would love to go to war. they would injure the women and then rape them. women are weak.

    the women only hide behind men

  4. Helloooooo ....

    Stop distorting the facts. The US Army is currently voluntary. The law states that in times of war, men *must* enlist while women *may* enlist.

    Feminists have no claim to equality unless this is addressed.

  5. It's an anti-feminist 'line', like "women aren't in the draft", even though in most countries there is no draft and hasn't been for years.

    People who pay attention respect the work women are doing in Iraq and elsewhere.

    Even pacifist people such as myself, admire the dedication and bravery of those men and women who follow their principles and lay their lives on the line for what they believe in.

    If ignorant people are disrespectful, it's because they can do so anonymously and with impunity.

    Cheers :-)

  6. Not to mention the fact that men haven't been drafted for thirty something years, yet they're still milking that "women don't get drafted, so they shouldn't have rights" malarkey.

  7. That's fine.  Prevent women from serving their country.  

    And since their arent enough men NOW that are interested in voluntarily serving in the military, the draft will have to be re-instated and men will be forced into military service to fill the 20% of military jobs (across the spectrum) that are currently being filled by women.

    Forced into military service.  *shrugs*  Too bad for them.

  8. LOL!

    How many female soldier actually engage in actual front-line combat again?  And let not forget the fact that men are the one that HAVE to register for the draft..

  9. Women soldiers obviously ARE fighting and dying on the front lines:

    "A female soldier from Canada was killed while fighting Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan on Wednesday, military officials said.

    Capt. Nichola Goddard, 26, had been serving in Afghanistan with the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. She was  a member of the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, based in Shilo, Man.

    Capt. Nichola Goddard was serving as a forward observer with the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry in Afghanistan.

    (Department of National Defence)

    She is the first Canadian woman to be killed in action since the Second World War, and the first FEMALE COMBAT SOLDIER KILLED ON THE FRONT LINES."

    *Doodlebugger,  EVERY soldier who is killed gets tons of attention from the media.  This particular soldier just happened to be a woman.

  10. this is stupid because we shouldn't be fighting over which s*x dies more for their country. Instead we should be mourning the fact that anyone is having to die for their country. we should mourn the fact that war still exists in this "civilised" day and age.

    When will we learn that war is not the answer.


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