
Why are some people so militant about breastfeeding?

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Since I have had a baby I have felt bullied and belittled because breastfeeding didn't work for the baby or me.

Why can't we live and let live? If someone wants to bottlefeed (or has to because they can't breastfeed) then why can't they without being told they are bad ppl etc?

And why all the lies in order to encourage breastfeeding? (it will help weightloss blah blah etc).

I think some of this anger would be better directed to the real feckless parents ( those that don't bring their kids up with respect or those who have them for benefit purposes).




  1. I breast fed for two months and got the guilty looks when they ask "oh are you breast feeding" my daughter was on both bottle and boob since birth and after two months she was so miserable with gas pains, no matter what I ate, I said No More and she was as calm and happy as can be, it's suppose to be really good, but of course, I say do the best you can, my mom never breast fed me and I am super tight and connected with her, and have no constant illnesses, just let it roll off your back, big hugs

  2. I felt this way too,  almost bullied into breastfeeding because "everyone should" or "it is what is best for the baby"  I tried and tried but felt like a real loser when I failed at it.  It took a long time for me to realize, formula or breast at least I am feeding my baby and giving them love.  That is what matters.  It doesn't matter what others think.

  3. I'm sorry you have felt belittled.  Breastfeeding moms feel this too though.  There is a lot of pressure to just give a bottle.  I can't count how many ignorant comments I've received for feeding my baby my milk.  Also if a mother expresses how happy she is with breastfeeding she is immediately shot down for making bottlefeeding moms feel guilty.  Its a no-win situation.

    Read this article.  The whole article.   Don't get turned off by the first paragraph.

  4. People believe that the benifits are overwhelming, but I have 3 children who have been bottle fed formula and all are above grade level in school and not overweight and didn't have cronic ear infections. My sisters daughter had ear infections constantly and finally had to have tubes in her ears and she was breastfed until she was 1.

    So, just try to take it with a grain of salt and relialize that the hippies are still alive and kicking and want to spread their concept of a perfect world. LOL

  5. I agree, the decision between breast and bottle is one that should be made by the parents, and they shouldn't be judged or ridiculed for it. I was well educated and had decided to breast feed my first child, but weened him at six months and my nurse threw a fit! She wanted me to breast feed until 2 yrs! My second child was tongue tied and breast feeding didn't agree with either one of us, and again I was ridiculed for my decision to not have horrible blisters and my daughters choice of being able to get a decent meal. I know someone who breast-fed until her child was over 2, which was fine with me because it was her decision, but she did it out of laziness and the effect was horrible. The kid had ear infections constantly from eating on her side at such a late age, and she was not gaining appropriate weight because her mother was filling her up with milk instead of nutritious food. Anyway... I'm done rambling... you are entitled to your own decision as a parent, your not neglecting or endangering your child.

  6. Who are these people you've been talking to?  I could not care less what mothers do, except when I see them breast feeding... while driving.

  7. You know whats best for you and your baby.   When someone starts giving you critisism, just say, "Thanks very much for your advice, but I prefer doing things this way."

  8. Oh I know...and those millitants think it is fine for a child of 3 or even older to still breastfeed but say that a child still has a bottle at night and you are an evil Mother!

  9. Very good question, I have often wondered the same thing.  My best friend just had her first baby.  She was planning on breastfeeding but is unable to do so becuase her milk has not come in.  Her doctor attributes it to stress, because her hubby just got deployed and she is facing being not only a first time but an only mom.  Her mother-in-law and both of her sis-in-laws are pressuring her to keep trying to breastfeed even though she and her husband decided it wasn't worth stressing her out more.  Apparently her MIL and SIL don't know how to respect someone elses' wishes because they still wont drop it, telling her she isn't trying enough.  I feel so bad for her and I just want to smack these people who are obviously so full of themselves and their own opinions that they can't see the bigger picture.

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