
Why are some people so obsessively homophobic?

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Its one thing, in my opinion, to disagree on a particular "lifestyle" or way of life that is different than yours, but why do so many people go out of their way to treat people who are g*y or percieved as g*y so badly?

I mean, just because a guy looks at another guy doesn't mean he's checking him out (same with girls), just because a g*y couple is walking together doesn't mean someone has to stare at them or shake their heads. Most g*y couples don't hold hands, they don't stick their tounges down each others throats for the world to see, but yet people insist on treating them like c**p.

Even with service, such as fast food, resturaunts, etc..., I mean just because you don't agree with someone's ways doesn't mean you have to give them bad service or treat them like a lesser human being. A lot of people say "oh well its a sin" but Jesus never treated ANYBODY like that. He ate with everyone and was always a kind men. People say they believe in him so much but I wonder sometimes.




  1. A few bad apples ruin the whole bunch.  This goes both ways.

  2. Why are some people so obsessively homosexual? You don't see heterosexuals going out of their way to be as heterosexual as possible. If some homosexuals go out of their way to advertise their sexual preference they are asking for it. Some homophobia is just a response from the overwhelming display of homosexuality. Just a thought.

  3. People are so homophobic, because they are ignorant and closed minded.

  4. Ask Dr. Freud about his Principle of Reaction Formation for the true answer to this one!

  5. This is an issue that I am still growing in, finding out how I should respond.  It's a complex issue, in regards to my spiritual beliefs...

    I believe strongly that it is wrong to indulge one's sexual desires outside of marriage.  I also believe that marriage is ordained of God only between a man and a woman.  There are good eternal reasons for this.  

    Out of love for my fellow humans, I can't fearfully stand back and while people say that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice with no spiritual impact.  I need to let people know that it has very far-reaching consequences.  It takes courage for me to state this in the face of such overwhelming social opposition.

    I also love my fellow humans unconditionally... ie I value them, and I recognise the many fine qualities that they have.  I know God sees his children in the same light.  God loves ALL of his children, regardless of their errors.

    Because of this love, I think I would never say hurtful things to a g*y person, regarding their choice to live sinfully.  I would not offer unsolicited advice to a g*y individual.... but I will continue to express my conviction in social forums that homosexual relations are one of those behaviours that severely limit a person's divine potential (ie potential for limitless spiritual growth).  Anything that limits a person's divine potential is what the Bible calls "sin".  

    All people should be treated with love, regardless of their weaknesses.  I have no problem with treating people with love and respect, even if they are g*y.


    An interesting and mind-opening experience I had a month or so ago....

    I have bought some land, where my family and I plan to live for the rest of our lives.  A short way down the road, a g*y couple have also bought land, with a similar intention.  I met those two young men at the pub (the only social gathering place in the town).  One is a school teacher, and the other is his support person (running the home).  Both of the men have a glow of goodness about them.  I saw this, and I prayed and asked God, "Are these men good people?"  The Holy Spirit washed into my heart.... this is God's answer "Yes, they are good people".  I prayed several times the same question, because the answer is so strange to me.  But the answer kept coming back the same, "Yes, they are good people."

    I have no idea what to make of this response from God.  These men are good people... it's evident in their faces, and also in the kindness and intelligence that they express to everyone.  (I have met other g*y people who do not exude this same light... but who seem depraved and "in your face").

    What does this experience mean to me?

    It means that the concept of not-judging others has taken on a new dimension for me.  It means I can trust these men and treat them with respect.  It means I can be happy in these admirable people who are my neighbours, and it means I will never act to call a person to repentance unless the Holy Spirit (a feeling of love and peace) prompts me to.  

    We all have a spiritual path, and it is not up to humans to designate when and where another human being must begin to come closer to God.  Those who love God will find Him... if they listen to the peaceful feelings of their hearts.

  6. There isn't much to answer since you've almost wrote the book. Homophobic situations are mainly the anxiety running amuck. These emotions tell of the insecurity a person has concerning his or her sexuality. There is one point I wish to make clear, sexual preference has no connection with the intimacy in the act of sexual gratification. Your first intimacy was with the same s*x person, namely your parent. A true fact of which the majority of society is overlooking, homosexuality is a perfect way of birth control. Although not giving a license to experiment or abuse, "the thing which anger people the most are the things which remind them of their-selves."    wiu_stu    L S

  7. Some may have religious reasons and some may just hate what they fear may be true about themselves. I think some people are so afraid of being g*y because of childhood experiences or some hidden feeling, they can only deal with it by acting as disgusted with it as they can be.

  8. Because most people are idiots

  9. I agree.

    In fact, I've never understood why people are so threatened by homosexuals...

    a) Are you really that conceited that you think a homosexual of the same s*x as you is really going to hit on you? And if what? You really don't hear a lot about g*y-on-straight homosexual rape, so chill out.

    b) Why don't you instead look at it as less competition? If someone is attracted to people of the same s*x, then you don't have to worry about them hitting on the same people as look at it that way!

    Yea, it's just dumb.

    EDIT: And as for the Jesus thing, it's so true. People think that because they believe homosexuality is wrong, it gives them the go-ahead to treat lesbians and g**s like c**p.

    Buuuut if you disagree and don't want to do anything but whine about how g**s are going to h**l, I'm sure you'll just give everyone else a thumbs down.

    PS: some of the most kindhearted people I've ever met in my life were g*y. But I guess it doesn't matter how nice you are or how much you help people....God only cares if you are g*y, right? You're still going to h**l.

    Ok have my thumbs up!

  10. Where do you live? I've never seen anyone treated like 'c**p' because they were g*y. I've known and been around a lot of g*y couples and I've never witnessed any of them being treated any differently than someone else.  Somehow, I don't believe you've actually seen anyone treating g*y people badly.  Maybe you're talking about what you see in movies or on the news...there are some people who are full of hate and will be cruel to people of differing opinions, but most people who don't support homosexuality are not 'homophobic'.  We just have a different view.

  11. personally,

    It threatening  ( and I dont mean me, I mean in general). To see a way of life perceived as "abnormal" suddenly become more received, even celebrated. Please don't forget, medical associations only recently lifted the term homosexual from being part of a mental disorder, and Transsexualism is still considered a "Gerder Disorder". Reminds me of the "Hispanic Scare" when people through all the Mexicans were taking over America and "pushing Spanish".

    America, despite how  you feel, is NOT at a point where it can accept this. That will take afew more decades and more education. Do you think blacks got their freedom overnight because of some liberal whites and strong willed black folks who could see beyond color issues? Nope, it took time. And its still is. But you can always cherish what you have now, in moving forward to what you want.

    Do you understand what your are up against when people like MumOf4 state those kinds of convictions? Thats serious, and that is how I used to feel.  liberal minded people don't often understand what its like to sleep with a book near their head and believe everything in it as factual and true and BEST. There is no way around a belief like that unless you agree with it, because its a conviction. People like MumOf4 feel threatened and endangered when homosexuality is accepted in society, it represents danger. It represents an assumption that ,fundamentally, there IS a right and wrong way to go about life.  Your gonna have me on a philosophical rant!!! LOL

    In some ways, as a black person and open minded, I'm REALLY REALLY glad I was born about 2 decades after the civil rights movement and stone hill.

  12. Great question

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