
Why are some people so offended by Marilyn Manson?

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I'm a huge fan, and I don't think it's fair that some people judge him on his looks or even his lyrics. He's the definition of a true artist: he questions societal norms in a creative way. I just want to know what other people feel about him.




  1. I personally am a huge fan as well. He's an intelligent man, but clearly misunderstood. There are plenty of rumours, etc., about him, and people like to believe the outrageous.

    His music style is definitely "alternative" and frightens a lot of people. Anyone with any sort of individuality scares people these days. If they took a chance to listen to the lyrics, or even his interviews, I'm sure they'd at the very least respect him.

  2. I'm not offended by him. But I'm not a fan. Don't get me wrong I think he is interesting, you have to admit he looks awesome with the hair, and the make-up.

    It's so hard for me to explain this, I like his some of his music but I'm not a fan. That doesn't make sense I know but it's to hard to explain.

  3. He's an idiot. He looks like an idiot.  His lyrics are idiotic and his music sucks.

  4. That is the beauty of Manson. Even the people who hate him an dare horrified by him contribute to him. It is all part of the act. Grand Theft Auto is the same way. The game is only slightly over the top, but before they release a new game all these rumors pop up about how horrible it is going to be. So everyone wants to buy it to see what the fuss is about. All the old people raising a fuss about Manson are only fueling the younger generations interest in him. What a great gig. Nothing yo can do to harm him except ignore him.

  5. Because in many ways he does not conform to understood social molds, and people are afraid of things they don't understand. You don't have to like his music to understand that.

  6. Manson is trying to beshocking. he's a shock rocker...He means for people to be offended

  7. I imagine some people might be offended by Manson because of his appearance and because he swears. A lot of religious groups are opposed to him simply because he doesn't follow the rules of their religion. Some people seem to think that his music causes school shooting. Columbine is an example of this, although neither of the shooters were fans. I suppose that people also just don't like different, and he is very different, in the sense that he is creative and goes where no one else has before.

  8. people are offended by manson for the same reason they are offended by Dali, walt disney, any rock or metal band. essentially anything provokative. its because they either dont understand it, the dont care to understand it, and a confliction with their own moral values.

    which if you'd like a psychological understanding it would be :

    manson conflicts with their morals which creates cognitive dissonace, manson occupies the outgroup and could essentially influence their young to share similar morals so they feel the need to outcast manson more in order to protect the groups own needs and morals.

    thats a very basic analysis as to a potential answer as to why some people are so offended by manson however it may not fit with everyone who doesnt like manson, because everyone brings their own personal experiences to the situation, there literally could be thousands of potentially correct answers if not more. the beauty of psychology, and run on sentence.

  9. Because he stands for something so extremely uphauling  to a previous generation. He makes them question themselves, and people hate him for that. In the simplest of terms, he's diffrent, and in a generation that preeches tolerance, it's not so easy to tell him he's wrong in his life style.

  10. well, he's very ugly, he puts on makeup, which is offensive, and he appears to have no talent as a singer or a songwriter, yet gets media attention. all good reasons to dislike him.

  11. im not really a big fun of him nor offended by the way he looks. He just seems weird and not really interesting I think people wouldnt notice him if he didnt look so ugly- well weird. Behind his mask, hes just an ordinary guy trying to make a living just like everyone else.

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