
Why are some people so rude?

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Whatever happened to if you don't have something nice to say don't say it alI? I was asking a question a few days ago about a dress and i stated my height and weight (I'm 5 foot 5 and about 200 pounds).And i know I need to lose weight but some guy had the nerve to say "you really need to lose about 80 pounds before you consider buying a dress. how could a girl your age allow herself to become so disgusting?".How could someone be so rude?And besides that if i would lose 80 pounds i would be 120 but I looked it up and a doctors recommended weight for my height is between 130 and 150, So I just don't understand how someone can be so rude.Like I said I know I need to lose weight simply for my health and I'm trying.I usually don't let stuff like this bother me because I have always been chubby.But I just don't understand how can someone be so rude ?Thanks for the answers.




  1. Don't worry. You know, people who put other people down like that usually have low self esteem or they're hurting on the inside and don't like something about themselves, so being rude to people like that makes them feel better about themselves. So really they're the ones who have something wrong with them, not you.

  2. thats why ppl dont like americans. they think we are all rude and improper.

  3. I don't know. Some people just can't hold their tongues (or i guess it's fingers in this case). An example was that today i saw a question that was something like "does joe jonas like girls with long hair?" and i was so tempted to put something like "no, he likes boys" but instead i just pressed the back button and found a different question (this one!). good luck, the guy who said that is just a big ole butthead, and i bet he weighs 400 lbs.  

  4. I am totally with you on this! That is completely rude. Don't take seriously what people say online though because they think they can say anything they please. I'm 13 and 5'2 ish and 155 lbs or so, I'm trying to lose weight but people are always commenting meanly. Obesity runs in my family unfortunately and I got that gene from my mom's side. Been chubby my whole life-hey, what can ya do. Just enjoy life and don't become over obsessive with losing weight just incorporate more walking in your schedule, maybe do some yoga or go to the gym a couple times a week.. every little bit of exercise counts and is better than doing nothing.

  5. What an a**-hole!

    NO ONE deserves that.

    Eff the Effer!!

  6. Some people just have their panties in a wad.

  7. The internet gives people this boost of confidence since no one can see you or know who you really are. For all you know this "guy" could have been a 300 lb girl with esteem issues. Don't let people online upset you. The only people who should matter are the ones who truly love and care about you.

  8. Well, especially on the internet, comments are anonymous and stuff so people think they can get away with saying just about anything whether they mean it or not.

    That is pretty rude though and a waste of time. There's alot more that guy could do that could benefit somebody but he simply chose to try to bring someone down. That's pretty low.

    Just try not to focus on those people. Most people that insult others do it simply because they're insecure about themselves in some sort of way.

    And work that dress :)

  9. He's probably just ugly or not happy with himself so he has to judge other people to make himself feel better. Not all women have to be made like a model. I'm sure your beautiful in your own way! People like that are just looking for something wrong with everyone else so they don't have to see whats wrong within themselves.  

  10. Some people lack tact and give you the truth full-on blunt. That's fine, if it is asked for.

    I wish you luck losing that weight for your health, though I question 130-150 for your height. Doctors have over the years expanded what is "normal" as the country has gotten more and more obese, but those numbers do not reflect health.

    The standard for years for women was 100 lbs for 5', and 5 lbs every inch thereafter.....of course if you are all muscle, like an athlete, that will be a little heavier. But if you are not, it's pretty close. The main thing is to not have fat around your middle. This indicates high triglyceride (a cholesterol type) that is extremely unhealthy.

    Ask your folks and doc about getting a lipid profile to check fyour cholesterol levels and make sure you check your blood sugar and blood pressure.

  11. Because people are people and would not be people if people did not have peopleish qualitis!

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