
Why are some people still denying that a certain american swimmer is cheating ? ?

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  1. hahahahaha

    funny how now everyone wants proof but when the Chinese gymnast looks young everyone wanted the US to just get the gold with no proof.

    I think the butterfly race was c**p and had it not been Phelps racing there would have been an allowable protest.

  2. because hes just so amazingly amazing. And YOU KNOW IT TOO!

  3. You mean Phelps.

    Ah, are you jealous?

    He's not cheating til you can prove otherwise.

  4. Your psycho,you shouldn't discredit someone because you're not as talented as he is    

  5. HE'S NOT CHEATING! Why can't someone be naturally be good at something?! He's tested twice a week how can he be on steroids?! After every race their tested as well.

  6. Because certain swimmer volunteered for an anti doping campaign that requires more tests than athletes would normally be asked of. This includes the use of baseline human hormones and chemical reactions to sniff out "designer" drug use.

    Against those odds - if he were cheating by using some form of illegal body manipulation, he would have been caught by now.

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