
Why are some people unwilling or unable to reduce the effects of climate change?

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Why are some people unwilling or unable to reduce the effects of climate change?




  1. Change is hard for most... and people like it easy. We jsut have to make it as easy as possible.  My sister grew up int the country and we always had a compost. but at her new house- which has a small back yard she does not have one!!

    Then theres the cost.. JObs and cash. We have to show/provide jobs for the new future.

  2. That is the way we work. It is a social psychology phenomenon which can be seen in many areas of human behavior.

    The best chance an individual has is to join a leader who would lead a mass into a change. Leaders must show themselves first.

    It is silly to expect that an individual can change by walking instead of taking a local bus, or constructing solar cells on the top of the building...

    The solution has to be done on collective level, and not individual. We must think of our children as our primary motive and sacrifice ourselves; our comodities. Individuals must agree to subdue to collective decisions, like changing the complete civilization dependent on petroleum, engaging into mass sanation of the environment (like the communists have done right after revolutions :P), and having only one or two children... The solution is too simple, but yet too complicated.

    The tragedy is that the solution is right infront of us, and in a best scenario we still haven't seen the worst, while we will not change our ways in the near future...

    What you see now is product of thousands of years of human civilization, which touched the petroleum era some few hundred years ago. But man has behaved toward nature the same, ever since the first records.

    Children learn to play with toys only after they have used them (trial - mistake). There is no such thing as the abstract way of learning. Progress in deducing there is, but the rate is critical because the selfdestruction slope is very concave. The environmental issue, which is topic number two lets say in Europe, is still too global for the local tribes to settle an agreement when they are engaged into dominating one another, with the same motives which launched human evolution into warp.

    Death is the most suppressed question in our psychological constellation... We deal by ignoring it. We ignore the fact of the climatic changes while we are busy destroying one another.

    It is time to warp down. The dream is over.

  3. Stupidity and thinking that its never going to affect them in their lifetime.

  4. that is quite difference between unwilling or unable .

    what about unbelieving or not wanting to believe

    there is a lot of evidence of man made climate change .and there are many reasons to hide the truth

    scientists who work for politicians ,get paid by these politicians and they have downplayed the facts because solutions are expensive and means change and change effects many peoples incomes,and upsets profit margins,so most of the world is kept in the dark of the real things that are going on.for political and economic reasons

    what we can do;...

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