
Why are some ppl close minded is it the way ?

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they were brought up. Or they scared to think outside the box or just scared to think period.

Also why are the ppl that's not scared to think outside the box(think/be theirselves) are the ppl that's consider crazy or weird but if they sit and break down how they view life they are considered deep when some ppl just thought they were weird also, the same ppl probably that thought like(inside box thinkers) that too but never spoke on it fear ppl might considered them crazy.




  1. This answer is difficult and those close minded people will not accept it i assure you. It is because of Ego, it hates any change that seems to be against it. If you try to change the way a person views his or her reality by explaining the way you view yours, unless they are looking for a change they will become very, very, VERY defensive. Sometimes without even knowing they are doing it. That is because of the survival instinct that the Ego provides. It preserves itself no matter how irrational it may seem to do so. So it doesnt matter how much sense you seem to make it will do nothing but, excuse my language, p**s their Ego off. If you didnt notice i capitalized Ego like someone would do a name or God. Why because people who dont know what Ego truly is has let it take over like a God would do. Ego is pure desire anytime the thinking mind says I want or I need, It is saying that, that being, that "I" is the ultimate being and what it wants is what needs to be done. But if you pay close attention and increase your awareness you will see that it is sometimes questioned, So what is it that questions this so-called ultimate being which claims to be you?

  2. The world relies on the boring, routine thinkers, who work in shops and offices, in public services etc. It needs a few radical thinkers to branch out occasionally, inventors, geniuses etc etc. But, if you think about it, if everyone was "thinking outside the box", who would do the everyday, routine work?

    There has always been a distrust of people who are radically different. It's human nature to be uncomfortable around people that are very different from yourself, and are non-conformist. Unfortunately this also includes those with mental disturbances, it is often difficult for ordinary, routine people to work out the difference, and the safest way is just to avoid them.


  3. i think some it is how they are brought up. some don't like to look wrong or feel like they were wrong. and others seek being wrong, because that's how you end up being right. people tend to think that what is right is what those around them think. so when somebody thinks differently they consider it wrong.

    some can't judge the value without looking at the price tag.

  4. Some people are close minded because that is how they were taught to be. Others because they feel the only opinion that counts is theirs and there is no other way but their way. Some people are scared again it could have been the way they were influenced throughout their lives. Individuality and thinking outside the box has always been or the world would never have progressed to what it is today. Most of your inventors, writers, poets, musicians, doctors etc were all considered crazy for their times. Just think crazy people never have to explain their actions.  

  5. ...its a way to avoid intrusive people...

    ...they enjoy their own company...

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