
Why are some pro-lifers pro death penalty and pro-choicers anti-death penalty?

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I'm not making judgements. I understand protecting an unborn child's life vs. a guy who killed a bunch of people. I understand a woman's 'right to choose' and the idea of the death penalty being cruel and unusual. But why are so many pro-lifers pro death penalty and pro choicers out protesting every execution? I understand it when some Catholics oppose both abortion and the death penalty, but I am just curious and really want to know. There is no right or wrong answer as far as I'm concerned.




  1. Conservatives value the innocent, libs value criminals.

  2. One of the ironies of conservative vs. liberal philosophy!

    Most conservatives feel that an embryo is a human and so abortion is killing. They also feel that killing a person is justified if the crime is bad enough.

    Liberals feel that the embryo is not a human and so abortion is not killing. They also feel that all people deserve to live, even the worst of criminals.

    Note that because these are feelings, it is impossible for the 2 sides to agree. But it is possible to understand how the other side is feeling - It just takes some effort.

  3. Aww the American way why because we get to chose what we believe isn't it great even if they contradict each other. Fortunately I'm Pro-Choice and Pro Death Penalty. Mean less money out of my pocket from welfare kids and Murders and Rapists. But that's just my opinion.  

  4. Pro-choice people see no contradiction here. Abortion is not a question of killing a human being, it is simply a medical procedure regarding a clump of non-independent cells within a woman. But capital punishment is the government-sponsored killing of a human being. Yes, most of those executed are horrible people the world would be better without. But it is not the government's place to say that killing people is only OK if the government does it. Then there is the question of potentially innocent people being put to death. the risk of that is too great when weighed against the benefits of ridding society of criminals who, in all fairness, we'd be better off without.  

  5. It's all a matter of personal values, morals, etc.

    Because of all those differences, people have very different views on different areas.

    Like you said, there is really no right or wrong answer, nor is there always a clear, straightforward answer.

  6. I'm a 26 year old catholic female. I believe in protecting unborn zygotes/blastocysts/clump of cells/fetuses, etc. I believe that they are innocent and we need to protect them until they can make their own decisions in life. I don't kill insects (except for mosquitoes and spiders) because I believe they have a right to live. (yeah, hypocrite, I know)

    An older person who chooses to kill someone and is sentenced to death should be put to death. Punishment for the crime. They have been given all of what they need to make the choices in their life, such as knowledge of the difference in between right and wrong.

    Life and death is precious. I also believe that the elderly should have the right to elect to be euthanized. Why force them to prolong THEIR suffering for OUR reasons?

    Lots of situations call for different solutions. Sometimes we become hypocrites.

    Hope this helps.

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