
Why are some saying that Obama's birth Certificate is fake?

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Why are some saying that Obama's birth Certificate is fake when its been shown to be real?




  1. They are looking for an excuse to disqualify Obama.  You know, like he disqualified his opponents in his first State Senate run.

    UPDATE:  Thumbs down me if you want, but I speak the truth.  Go investigate how Obama got elected the first time to the Illinois STATE Senate.  He did it by legally disqualifying the other top candidates by disqualifying signatures needed to get them nominated!

  2. It is fake, and everybody knows it. It is also irrelevant, because he will never be elected as president anyways.

  3. We don't know...

    Since you started the rumor you tell us.

  4. They're desperate.

  5. they would do any thing to have mccain than obama.

  6. Just part of the ongoing smear campaign.  Ignore them--it's all they've got since their party and their candidate are out of fresh ideas.

  7. They are typical racists.

  8. They are grasping for a reason not to vote for him. Honestly, he's running for president...I'm sure he's been investigated up one side and down the other.  

  9. Desperation.

  10. A Hillary supporter is suing him in Philadelphia federal court.


    Hey , I didn't make it is a Hillary supporter and a clinton judge,,what do you think of that? lol

  11. Hmm, it reminds me of when fake Bush military documents were faxed from Kinko's a few years ago...

  12. when the court decides you can c,aim that until then its a fake

    Thursday, August 21, 2008

    Obama Sued in Philadelphia Federal Court on Grounds he is Constitutionally Ineligible for the Presidency

    by Jeff Schreiber


  13. Because they're stupid and desperate.Elections bring out the sickos every time.Anything to win mentality.

  14. Well, it took long enough to come up with the birth certificate. You would wonder did they keep us waiting because they had to plant the tree, wait for it to grow. Cut it down and turn the tree into paper so they could print his birth certificate. And then all the different angles to support the ideas the certificate was the real thing. Very clever. I give them credit. Guess we have no choice but to accept it.

    My question is why didn't main stream media even so much give it a thought. After all they were dead set in proving McCain not eligiable because of his birth place, Panama.

  15. They are ignorant, they are desperate and they will believe anything in an effort to smear a wildly popular candidate.

    Most of the people who believe nonsense like that are highly gullible and likely from socioeconomic background.

  16. Because they are idiots.

    You would think that they would understand that Obama and all presidential candidates have to endure serious background checks, by both the secret service and FBI.  Something like a fake birth certificate, I am sure, would stop his candidacy.

  17. “The insinuation from the Obama campaign that John McCain, a former prisoner of war, {are some saying that Obama's birth Certificate is fake} is outrageous,” Ms. Wallace said.

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