
Why are some top Contributors so..........?

by Guest56526  |  earlier

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There are many top contributors that really show they edserve that title. Their informative leaders that honesty TRY to answer your question

Then theres some that are just complete a******s. But only do they not answer your qusetion but they act as though your bothering them for even asking.They get very arrigont they let the yahoo status get to their head (lol).

Why is this? Did they really get top cuntributor status but being this rude? did they forget how to acually contribute




  1. They may not be top contributors at all they just know how to make quick points.

  2. I don't know... but some do seem real proud though! I think people should remember what exactly they're accomplishing...

    a bunch of lost time and virtual points.

    WHOOOOOOOOO!! Break out the party!!!

  3. most i find are helpful, but some people tend to get a power trip going, its an ego gthing. but as i said, majority i feel are helpful

  4. I'm not a top contributor but I try to answer truthfully and, where necessary, forcefully when it is called for.  If ind I do this mostly where guilt is involved because I see guilt as a means for other people to control you against your will.  The problem with me is that I forget you can't hear the tone of my voice.  If I tell you that I'm going to yell at you for some terrible guilt that someone shoved down your throat, you can't hear through my tone of voice the care, feeling and genuine concern that I have in my heart so you fill in my missing tone of voice with whatever you feel is appropriate, and you will usually be wrong.  We are all our own worst critics.  Don't read too much into these answers until you can feel what is in the respondents heart.

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