
Why are stocks continuously going down and Oil is skyrocketing?

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Even with all the help from the Fed and policymakers, still no effect.




  1. Two reasons:

    1) Some idiot declared war on an oil producing country and then bombed their wells and infrastructure.

    2) Oil is being used to invest in as that same person has screwed up the financial market.

  2. Everybody has to spend more on gas and heating oil, leaving less to spend on everything else.

  3. Because the economy stinks right now.  The easy money is gone from when banks were passing out money for homes and HELOCs.  The home prices tanked and banks stopped lending out money.  The banks and brokers are in bad situations so nobody can get money.  The oil thing is simply supply and demand with the emerging markets of China, Brazil, Russia, India, etc. burning up oil their isn't enough oil in the ground.  This isn't the complete answer, but generally speaking it is close.

  4. We are in a bear market.

    A weak dollar is causing oil to go up.

    Fed actions takes time to work into the markets.

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