
Why are strategic decisions different from other kinds of decisions?

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Why are strategic decisions different from other kinds of decisions?




  1. In a dynamic and uncertain environment, strategic decision making is important because it can provide managers with a systematic and comprehensive means for taking into account the external environment, focusing on an organisation's strength, minimising weaknesses, and identifying opportunities in which an organisation can have a competitive advantage. However, the decision may still fail if it is not implemented properly.

    Implementation causes the chosen course of action to be carried out within the organisation. It is that moment in the total decision-making process when the choice is transformed from an abstraction into and operational activity. Harrison (1999, p.39)

    Implementation a strategic decision includes conveying the decision to those affected and getting their commitment to it. It is an integral component of successful decision making and attaining managerial objectives.  

  2. strategic decisions are taken with a long term view whereas tactical decisions are more short term solutions.

    There is of course loads more to this ... but this is the gist.

  3. non-strategic decisions involve generally the daya-to-day operations of running the business.

    strategic decisions encompass longer term objectives and consider a broader range of criteria such forecasts, market and industry outlook, etc.

    They also involve the alignment of resources to achieving strategic objectives.

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