
Why are stupid married women surprised whn their husbands cheat on them?

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I mean women marry, balloon up to 200+ pounds because figure they "don't have to try and take care of themselves anymore," and wonder why your husbands go out and cheat on your fat @$$3$ or look at p**n.

And also on Maury when they have those lie detector tests and the test reveals that the guy doesn't find the woman attractive anymore, why does the crowd get mad and boo him. And it's always the women with three chins and stomachs that stick out further than her t!@s. It's not his fault he doesn't find her attractive after she has gained like 50 lbs.




  1. Hello,

    I think it boils down to the fact that we all think bad things from this sort of thing to death or accidents will happen to others but not us.

    We are taken quite aback when we find out this is not so.


    Michael Kelly

  2. hahaha maury is a scripted show you dumb@ss  

  3. Hey, the wife can be slim & trim & gorgeous and her husband will still cheat on her. There is usually more to it than size. Don't forget people only see/hear/believe what they want to.

  4. too much Murry show on the brains...

    being surprised and acting surprised are 2 diffent things.  lol.

    Anyway, cheats are low lives that deserve to be shot.  'nuff said.

  5. Agreed........  

  6. I'm sensing you have a lot of issues.

  7. becuase marriage is for better or for worst, if you wife gains weight ur supposed to incourage her to lose, go to the gym together. stuff like that not go s***w a skinny chick, DUH ! but only a real man would understand that. If u dont....u kno the rest

  8. Because he should be a man, not a coward, and tell her she's fat instead of cheating on her. Give her a chance to lose some weight before he goes and s****s himself out.  so, maybe they thought they had a more noble husband but found out he was a farce.

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