
Why are tax cuts ALWAYS followed by mega debt spending?

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How come tax cuts are not followed by actual reduction in government personnel & agencies? Both the Ron Reagan administration & GWB administration seemed to run "slightly" higher debts than say the Jimmy Carter & Bill Clinton administrations.

Of course the Jimma "DA" Carter & slick Willy administrations taxed their constituents till blinder than a bat. NONE of the administrations listed above CUT government personnel & or agencies of the fed.

Why give a tax break then debt spend like it's your last day on earth(GWB)? I mean the constituents have to pick up the tab, WITH INTEREST no less! Why tax constituents blind for a surplus like the Clinton administration, then create more government positions to have to pay for?

Is it that difficult to break out the ball point pen & nix the funding for, say the EPA for the next year? I mean what a savings that would be for the taxpayer!!! Imagine, a whole bureocracy liquidated by the swipe of presidential/house/senate ball points!

Short of the Libertarians are there any other parties SERIOUSLY looking to nix personnel & or agencies/bureocracies???




  1. Reducing taxes reduces the amount of money the govt has.

    But it's expenditures remain unchanged. Less money+ Same spending = Debt.

    Everyone is for cutting taxes, but no one wants to lose any government services or funding for their stuff...

    I think the best way out of this problem is to emulate Rome. Instead of Invading places and then building them things,, we invade them and take everything of value from them.. Make them pay us tribute.

    Then we can cut taxes and still have bread and circuses for everyone.

    Once you get past the morality issue, it's a workable solution.  

  2. If tax cuts can get passed through Congress, then just about anything can make it, including massive spending bills.

  3. Because that would make sense. When you have politicians who are only concerned with pandering to voters but have no stomach to tell those same voters that they can't have everything they want because we no longer have the money to pay for, and they are essentially buying votes then you end up with the huge spending and the huge deficits, and if we don't stop it we're dead.

  4. governments are filled with wimps, and don't know how to stick to a budget

  5. Because Republicans are in power and they always increase spending.

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