
Why are teachers all the same?

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Why are teachers all the same?




  1. They aren't except in the fact that they are all teachers.

    They teach that sort of thing, you know.

  2. they're not

  3. well first - they aren't...

    The Gaussian distribution would tend to favor the top of "bell"

    would it not?

  4. because the students don't know what they know.

    No matter how intelligent the student, very few can learn algebra by sleeping with the book under their head.



  5. I have had bad teachers and good teachers. Not all teachers are the same.

  6. They have a function to perform, and that is to teach you.

    There's no guarantee that you will learn from them.

  7. that is not true!!! I absolutley think my rdg teacher was AWESOME!

  8. NO! The term teacher is just a title. They have varying personalities just as anyone else does. To find a good teacher look for someone who has a personality you would expect in a friend. The way they teach is dictated by how they think, which is in turn dictated by what their personality is.

  9. not ALL the teachers, there are some that care about the students more then their supervisors.

    Like one teacher, he went against the principal to tell her that he wanted to do all these fun activities for students to lively up their school spirit and she ALMOST fired him for that but he kept on pushing.

  10. Honey, Im one of a kind!!  If all teachers are a like I guess that makes it a perfect world.  All my students love me.

  11. Students who see teachers as "all the same" are simply the stereotypical disgruntled student (they're all the same, too).

  12. they aren't!

  13. Why are all Yahoo uses the same? Even the one's who can't design their own avatar? The one's with avatars must be just as lazy or ignorant as those with the blank silouette by their name.

    How convenient and simplistic it is to lump everyone into the same category.

  14. Why are all students the same?

    Oh, wait, they're not?  Hm, might mean teachers are different too, not all clones sent to torture kids by keeping them from their social lives. But that would mean admitting that they're people, too, and kids rarely want to admit that they will someday grow up and be all... *old* and responsible and all.... too. (oh noes.)

  15. They're not. I have a really nice teacher that loves me and then I have a teacher from h**l.

  16. Well...since all teachers are individual people and all individuals are NOT the same I would have to say....we're not. All of our thoughts, techniques, and personalities are different. Perhaps you view school as one uniform thing with different classes with the same types of people. Look at it a little more deeply and you'll see how unique each part of school really is (including the teachers). If not, then your perception of life is probably uniform as well.

  17. They're not.  Some are very good teachers, and some are VERY bad.

  18. in wht sense

  19. why are all students insolent?

  20. They're not, you're probably the one who needs to change.

  21. Cause they all have the same job,

    But each is different

    They are not ALL THE same

    They are however alot alike in many ways.

    However without them you wouldnt be able to read and right on Yahoo Answers

    So you might want to be thankful



  22. Thats not true at all. I am one of 6 third grade teachers in my school and we all have very different ways of teaching. We do different projects have different policys for homework and behavior, some of the teachers give tests once a month as I give them out once a week. There rooms are decorated differently and much more. There are not 2 teachers that are alike and that is a good thing because every one learns in different enviorments and needs the varietly in teachers.

  23. That's not even possible...teachers are PEOPLE who teach and no two people are the same.  Generalizations like that should be outlawed.

  24. no  there really not the all do the same thing tho;teach

  25. there not all the same, some are mean and others are easy, etc

  26. they rnt!

  27. Wha???

  28. they're not.

  29. because most teachers like to compete with each other and see whos the tougher one. but there are the few teachers who are actually good and compassionate

  30. i don't know any two teachers that have the same teaching style.  I'm not quite sure what you mean by this....

  31. All teachers are not the same, it is the manner in which they have been programmed to teach, which earns the similarity. Every person has a seemingly individual personality, it is through the seeking of that personality, that one finds any individual. One could say all students are the same, but are they really?

    When one categorises any group of people, one also categorises them selves in an alternate group. If one does not wish to be classified, do not classify.

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