
Why are teachers so mean?

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Why are teachers so mean?




  1. Sometimes it seems like they are mean because we don't

    like listening to what they say.And I know that there are mean ones for instance my kindergarten teacher.And typing teacher.But most of the time the teacher is trying to help us open our minds to learning.

  2. because they have to deal with a classroom of disobeying kids all day.

  3. My initial reaction to this was "why are students so obnoxious" but I thought better.  After all, I don't like being classified as mean just because I'm a teacher, and I have plenty of students who aren't obnoxious.  

    Personally, I don't think I'm mean...and I don't think my students do.  They know that if I AM mean, then there is a reason for it.  And that's not even being's being a disciplinarian.

    Don't automatically assume that my profession makes me a certain type of person.

  4. Sometimes their being cruel to be kind.

  5. They're not mean unless they have to be. Unless they've been dealing with bratty kids for so long that they don't have any patience for anyone regardless.

  6. It is part of their job.Description.

  7. Because they're getting you ready for the real world, if you think they're mean now wait till you have 6 bosses chewing up your *** every day! BE HAPPY.

  8. because they have to sit aroud us for hours every day and wach us complain and all that i dont blame umm it would suck to sit around 1000s of people all day but i guss thats the way they are usually the old 1s younger teachers are nicer i think well hope that helpped put me as best awnser i want that 10 POINTS! thanks

  9. They feel obliged to make life miserable for the kids they teach.

  10. There are situations that make all people mean.  But being mean, on a day to day basis, is not student friendly.  Why would a mean person want to become a teacher?

  11. This is not really a fair question.  Not all are so mean.  If you wonder this, you have to wonder why some people are so mean in general.  All we can do is love them and pray for them.

  12. It is all part of disciplining students. If they are too nice, they know they will be taken advantage of... when you get older, the teachers are more at your level when they can see students are mature. But when younger, they need to be harsh in order to be listened to/taken seriously. It is all for the good in the end, honestly.

  13. some kids are born privilege, they need to be talk values. Student have more rights then teacher any day in the US.  

  14. they have to deal with children who will not listen

  15. sometimes they just want to let kids know they r in charge

    or they want to make a good impression for their boss

    remember:  they r humans 2

  16. because they have no s*x

  17. They are not mean.  They might get impatient with all the special little brats they have to put up with, but the special little brats bring it on themselves.  Just do your school work and recognize the teacher is there to do a job.  The teacher is not there to be your friend or make you feel special.  Do your class work and behave like you are suppose to and the teacher will like you and treat you nice.  

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