
Why are teenagers so dumb and ignorant these days?

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To tell you the truth, I'm a teenager about to be 17 this september, and I see people around my age around me, filled with immaturity, ignorance, and every other words related to lack of knowlege and wisdom. I separate myself from others and I don't behave in a way that I don't have time for it. Mostly on the internet, teenagers post some bogus comments about how they think about this and that, and whatever they do each day. What is wrong with these people today?

Are the parents to blame? Or the people around?




  1. Parents/Media Entertainment, sounds like you have good ones :0) I can only hope my children are brought up the right way like your parents have obviously been doing with you.

  2. the government or so most people would say.

  3. Hey, I'll be 17 in September too, but i see what you mean. You see, teen think that they are grown. They want to be grown up so fast and do what ever they want. It's crazy!  

  4. TV and the Internet are somewhat to blame. Being famous seems to be foremost on many teens minds. Foolish behavior and outlandish opinion have displaced long tedious hours learning.The affluence of many young people's lives negates the need for them to experience much reality of the world today thus they assume a rather arrogant attitude. Simply peruse many of the so-called questions posed by the adolescents on this forum for proof of my assertions.

  5. Hey I'm 17 too and to tell you the truth I do not know. For example, I was at my 5 hour course the other day and I didn't go with any friends, just alone. I was waiting for the class to start and ten minutes into that, I felt like jumping off a bridge. lol I was really confused if they were serious with how they were acting. They weren't doing incredible things like jumping on tables or something but just some of the things they were saying I wanted to ask them if they were 17 or 7. And I also separate myself from some people in my high school too. I'm actually skipping my senior year of high school and I'll be a freshman at college in two weeks, partly because the people at my high school are not people I'd want to be friends with. It's pretty ridiculous so I know how you feel. Then again, I do have a few close friends who are not this way..hence why they're my close friends. So I really think you should try to branch out more and meet new people. Not every teenager is "dumb and ignorant" but just remember not to judge anyone either because first impressions can really be the opposite of their true personality in some occassions. I usually do a three strikes you're out kinda deal. I'll meet a person at least three times and if they're still acting absurd then they're out lol but ya know that can be hard sometimes to do with some people out there. And to tell you the truth I don't know why they're like could be their parents and their up-bringing or they're personality could be the complete opposite of that of their parents. You never know until you meet their family or they tell you about them. Or it could be they want to act cool around their friends which does happen in most cases, but really they look like total douchebags. lol  

  6. Maybe you're just more mature than most of the teenagers you encounter. You're nearly an adult after all. People develop at their own rates.

    And what teenagers lack in worldliness or general knowledge, they make up for in emotion. Before you know it, everybody else will have caught up with you, so make the most of what you have at the moment - this is the part of your life where you feel things most strongly.

    Basically, feeling isolated and 'different' is part and parcel of being a teenager. There are others out there who feel the same though, so reach out and find the people you can relate to, and let everyone else catch up in their own time.

  7. I am also a teenager and i agree. It really bothers me as well. Im not sure the root cause but i hope it gets fixed soon.

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