
Why are teenagers so stupid when it comes to driving?

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most of the stories you read on

are like either guys or gals drunk driving..

or like bunch of cheerleaders acting crazy in a car

before they crash and all died .. and i feel bad for the people who died because of riding with that one teenager who acted stupid while driving.

and yet, after all the news/warning/stories.. it still continues to happen in America everyday.

im not by far an old driver.. im only 23, but i have been driving since 18 and everyday i drive an average 4 hrs locally and highway. and i have avoided a lot of potential accidents on local and highway because other drivers are being stupid.




  1. Inexperience, alcohol, and recklessness all have a part in dumb Teen driving... They think they're invincible and pay the price. Same goes for a lot of other drivers.

    I'm 19 myself and am learning how to drive, and I promise to the world I will never do anything reckless when out on the road. Driving is serious business and very dangerous!

    In fact, stupid drivers (of all ages) are what made me so nervous about learning to drive. I would've learned much sooner (at 16 1/2 here) if I didn't fear death so much.

  2. because they're often doing other things while driving, not really focused.

  3. cuz kids now think they're so cool and wannna be like retarded rappers (im 19 btw).

  4. well probably beause most of them are new to driving and have a p plate which s no excuse but teanagers are stupid somtimes no offence if ur one!! lol

  5. I drive 150 miles a day, so I get to see it all.

    When it comes to teenagers, there's one thing: They think they know it all.

    The lack of experience on the roads puts many people at risk. Mind you, there are other risks out there such as elderly drivers, construction workers, and women in SUV's with a coffee in one hand and their mobile phone in the other doing 95 with 3 kids in the back. But if you compare the reaction of an 18 year old compared to a 28 year old when it comes to avoiding an accident, they're going to be like night and day, since the 18 year old just doesn't have the experience.

    One thing I've noticed a lot of, is cars that are full of teenagers tend to speed and drive worse than just one teenager. I'm not sure if that's because of the distraction of others in the car or what.

    For example, 3 teenagers died when they hit a bus head on when racing 2 other cars. Quick answer on why this happened: Inexperience and thinking they know what to do.

  6. are you kidding.. In my neighborhood.. the parents are worse than the students.  I rather be on the road with the teenage drivers than the adults.

  7. ok

  8. maybe you should get your facts straight because im 18 my husband is 19 and we've never even been in a car accident and we've each been driving for about 2 years. We've had a few drinks before and have never gotten behind the wheel like that.  Most of the people than i encounter that are potentially dangerous look about 22-28 and im guessing because they are of legal drinking age and dont know how to drink responsibly.

  9. because their teenagers

  10. At 18/19, teenagers are still deeply involved in playing the social status game. Wherein saying the wrong thing, or buying the wrong clothes pulls you down the ladder. I drive fast because it boasts "confidence and skills", or at least thats what I think, and what my friends think... Its a competition right? I have to be just as good a driver as my friend who drives for a living. I also have to be more willing to accept risks like unsafe passing in order prove that I am better than others. Besides, bad things won't happen to me. I pay attention to the road, I watch out, so I can go faster where others can't because they're too busy with kids and stuff.

    And hey, people in Lexuses and BMWs all drive fast. Maybe there's a correlation between success and driving recklessly. They have places to be, and so do I. Stop getting in my way slowpokes, I'm more important than you.

    (That's not actually my mindset! Just an example)

  11. distractions coupled with inexperience

  12. HELLO.. don't think you are the only one who don't want get involve in accident. some of them are young but they are not stupid too. IF i ask all drivers, i'm sure no one will answer "yes" to accident. it's doesn't related to age, old ppl also fet involve in car accident. JUST the media used to highlighted the accident that involve the teen.THE CHANCE FOR EVERYONE TO GET INVOLVE IN ACCIDENT IS EQUAL.

  13. its because they can get hold of these high powered cars as soon as they get there learners permit and they could be under the influences of peer pressure and alcohol and drugs.

  14. easy to answer teenagers are stupid  when it comes to driving for one reason they dont know jack

  15. Because most (not all) of them think they're invincible and accidents wouldn't happen to them.  Add to that their inexperience and the fact that they just don't care and you have disaster waiting to happen.

  16. Usually it's due to inexperience. You've had a lot of time to get plenty of that.

  17. Hey now, don't lump it all on teenagers. I was a good teenage driver for 4 years. Bad drivers are ageless.

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